Server de fichiers

je suis nouvel utilisateur nethserver. Comment je m’y prends pour faire le partage de fichiers avec restriction de vue et/ou d’écriture de certains utilisateurs.

Hi @Marketch_ketch and welcome to the NethServer community. Great you came here to ask your question!
I took the liberty to translate it to English, since we are an ‘English only’ forum. We have members from all over the world and therefor need to reach out to everybody. Even if your English is poor or non exitent, you can use an online translation service like Google translate or if you wish to not use Google services because of privacy issues, you can use Deepl

I am a new nethserver user. How do I do file sharing with view and/or write restrictions for some users.
Thank you.

To answer this: there are several options in NethServer for filesharing. You can use Nextcloud which has a rich share and permission structure.
If you look towards more traditional CIFS/Samba filesharing through network shares of Directories on a server, you will have to choose the Samba4 AD accountprovider.
Filesharing also exists in LDAP accountprovider, but then there is no such thing as setting permissions on directories or files.

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Salut Marius,

If you decide to go with Samba4 AD account provider, you can check some howtos I wrote on it:

NethServer-301, Cahier-01: RSAT //
Description générale. À savoir. RSAT.

NethServer-301, Cahier-02: Migration LDAP vers Active Directory //
Description générale. À savoir. Préparation de l’environnement de travail. Exportation des Question/Réponse. Le concept de Domaine. Contrôleur primaire de Domaine (PDC). Changement des mots de passe. Certificat Let’s Encrypt. Appendices.

NethServer-301, Cahier-03: SSP & Active Directory //
Description générale. À savoir. Préparation de l’environnement de travail. Self Service Password & Active Directory. Exemples d’utilisation.

NethServer-301, Cahier-04: AD et jonction de stations //
Description générale. À savoir. Particularités des groupes Samba. Station Windows-8.1. Mappage de disque. Partage de dossiers (ibays). Mappage ciblé. Profils itinérants. Station Windows-10.

They are all in French.


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