Serbian (sr) translation is finished.
Excellent my friend!
Did you finish it alone? you deserve a Venkman!
Hi @bojce, I’m packaging your great work in nethserver-lang
Here’s the RPM to test:
Does the sr require a country code? Like pt-BR and pt-PT?
If you use only language code, then you use sr tag (in this case, translation is Serbian cyrillic), but, since Serbian language is used in some other countries (like Bosnia, Montenegro,…) you can use sr_RS for serbian language in Serbia.
Hi @bojce did you test the RPM? Can we release it?
Sorry, busy day.
Yes, you can. I tested translation last few days, and seems to me that is everything is OK.
@jgjimenezs I think that @bojce deserves a seat in our Translations Team, how about that?
of course @alefattorini
Which’s your version of NethServer?
NS 6.8 final
I don’t get the point… What does sound strange to you?
It’s Serbian language but package is lang-en(glish).
@giacomo might solve the mistery