I hoped that sending an email to a group created in the Users & Groups page would work but it isn’t the case. As a result, I must create an alias pointing to each and every user of the group, which is far from ideal.
Mailboxes can be shared among groups of users. The Email addresses > Shared mailboxes page allows creating a new shared mailbox and defining one or more owning groups
No, that isn’t a solution. “Send email to a group” is a fairly simple request. “Create a group alias”, although clunky, is a solution. “Create a separate mailbox that they have to add to their respective clients” isn’t.
I’m really surprised at this omission from Neth–especially since e-smith/SME, which you forked from, has had it for 15+ years.
Actually creating a shared mailbox has a drawback : it is a separated mailbox, not an alias that lands into your mailbox. And as you said it doesn’t follow the add / remove of users which is one of the main reason I’d like to be able to send to the group directly.
To clarify the group members are those who can access the public/shared mailbox. Do not create a distribution list mail alias. Just point to the mailbox!
This is the original feature request I’m talking , which is slightly different from this one:
I think what @pagaille is asking can be done only with a direct connection from postfix to ldap DB, like we did in ns6. But as discussed in other threads cannot be done within the accounts provider of ns7 and upstream postfix version