I run Netserver on VPS. Every time I connect with the server through Filezilla, I get a message that the server is insecure and doesn’t support FTP over TLS.
I have installed Let’s Encrypt certificate. SSL/TLS works for e-mail.
Wikipedia shows : “vsftpd supports explicit (since 2.0.0) and implicit (since 2.1.0) FTPS.”
Am I missing something? Does vsftpd need to be configured so that secure transmission is enabled?
templates shouldn’t be copied as system updates may provide updated templates, which will never have effect because of getting overwritten by copied custom templates.
Better way would be something like /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf/90ftps.
Funny, I also saw the Filezilla message today, thought about a custom template and you just did it. Thanks!