Looking to try to deploy nethserver and squid in a primary school environment, with appropriate filtering of categories. However found this as a requirement,
“The key areas for compliance specify that all school web filtering providers need to be members of the Internet Watch Foundation (IWF) and must block internet access to illegal child abuse images and content (CAIC). Filter systems must subscribe to the Home Office Terrorism block list and in addition must provide: age appropriate, differentiated filtering, including the ability to vary filtering strength appropriate to age and role”
There are several lists that you can apply to the nethserver webfilter module. What country are these requirements set? Maybe there is a specific list for your country available?
Might be a longshot, but you could try to contact Paul Sharrad. He’s the head of ICT at Dover Grammarschool for boys. He is also the main dev for the Linuxschools project and he might know more about this requirement. You can contact him through G+ Or the G+ page for the Linuxschools project