Saying goodbye to my server (but not to the community)

Today I noticed I received the 1 year member badge for the 9th time. The past years I have enjoyed NethServer and this great community very much. For a long time I relied om my VPS for several services of which the mailserver and nextcloud were the most important for me.
You might have read that I am struggling with the migration to NS8. I did set up a 2nd VPS with NS8 and started to migrate a few modules from NS7 to NS8.
However, I still didn’t migrate mail, nextcloud and Samba AD account provider.
I had to make a decision how to go on. And I decided to stop hosting my own mail and document cloud. I ran into a (IMO) very cost effective offer from Proton. The swiss mail provider.
With the current black friday deals I signed up for a Proton unlimited subscription for EUR6,50 per month. This includes a 500GB storage.
I already added my maildomain to Proton mail, so my emailaddresses will stay the same. Also imported addressbooks and calendars.
Next step will be adding data I have in Nextcloud to Proton drive.

What I will have to say goodbye to is Matrix and WA bridge. I would love to find a public matrix srever with WA bridge that I could join. (If anyone of you guys would let me join your instance I would be very gratefull… :wink: )
Also the Diaspora* instance will disappear. And a quick wordpress instance won’t be available anymore. Those small losses I will have to live with. I do get some reassurance with a (IMO) safe cloud solution that isn’t pestered with profiling.
I won’t leave the community since I still feel I have a lot of NS friends here.

Just to let you know where I stand from now on. As always, keep up the good work and hopefully meet you again somewhere in februari in Brussels.


I do still follow the forum while I made my decision a long time ago not to migrate. All arguments, pros and cons are laying on the table. It’s not my intention to start a discussion (again) about NS8 or NS security.

I struggled a while replying to your post. I hope you don’t get me wrong.

So in short just a question why choosing a cloud solution? Why not setting up a solid real server, install proxmox, i.e. latest ubuntu LTS (or Debian) for a VM AD-server, another for a VM fileserver joined as member. Another VM for mailcow. And one for nexcloud. IMVHO it should be easy to migrate form NS7 to B. For AD and FS, users and shares use the MS RSAT tools. Or the samba-tool. If needed put OPNsense in front. Backup could be done with proxmox backup server. Or any other tool you trust and are used to.

Hi Stefan, i completely understand your thinking.
I have soms limitations with my ‘home’ internet connection. I have a shared internet and do not control the internet facing router. So I can not set any forwarding rules.
Besides that I left ICT as my profession. I just don’t want to bother with managing a server anymore.
Since I am privacy concience, I refused tot use google or MS services. Until recently there were no satisfactory solutions. Now with the proton unlimited suite i feel convident enough to make the switch


I’m sorry for that but I will be happy to see you in Brussels. We gonna be there.

Hi Robb,

You probably know that I also faced incredibly frustrating moments while trying to migrate my good old ns7 to a ns8 instance. Nothing worked. At all. Therefore I fully understand your decision.

Personally I was tempted to give NS8 a chance anyway. And I must say I’m impressed. The containerized architecture is well thought and looks solid. It still lacks a more complete documentation but as always the community is impressive.

I remember the beginning of the docker era, I was already extremely enthusiastic even before we had the nethserver-docker module. It was not so long ago, things are moving fast. Too fast I’m afraid, but thats’s another story.

That said nowadays maintaining your own server looks like an enthusiast- or even activist- thing. I’m still considering following the same path you choose.