@Artem_Voylenko is willing to help @tcpip with Russian translations
A new team might born involving also @oleg_sadov xcod @kelevra @Ivan_Aronov @vfo123 @alk @Serg_M @amarovita @vasya @buddha @delusive @Af_Straga @NikoTeeN @dimai
This can help with the manual:
howto:translate_administrator-_and_developer-manuals [NethServer Wiki] by @Hunv
This for Transifex
As far as I understand your mail, you would like to translate the Nethserver-distro in several languages. Please send me the appropiate txt-file(s) and I will translate them into german language.
BTW: It would be fine, to have the choice of a german keyboard in the setup-menu
In NethServer community, we use two means to translate the modules and help files.
If you are interested in supporting us to keep updated languages, we recommend the following:
Notify us that you want to help translating one language already created, or a language without translation.
To translate the NethServer interface modules will use Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/nethserver/
eg: If we want to help in the German translation.
Click in German
You can use Russian here if needed, so you can argue about translations
(Jose G Jimenez S )
April 27, 2016, 10:42am
Welcome friends, feel free to ask.
Вообще не понял как начать какой-либо проект переводить…
People like the @german_team may help you here
(Jose G Jimenez S )
June 10, 2016, 9:06pm
Привет друг, вы знаете, использовать transifex?
Hello friend, you know how to use transifex?
Пока нет, но попробую в течение пары недель. Будут вопросы напишу. Спасибо.
Hello. No, but i’ll try it next few weeks and ask somthing if needs. Thanks.
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October 27, 2019, 12:04pm
я на трансификсе начинал переводить
но на данный момент обстоятельства не позволяют продолжить
там собственно ничего сложного
(Rob Bosch)
October 27, 2019, 5:06pm
Thank you for starting. As soon you have some spare time we will gladly see you return and help out further with the translation!
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