Rspamd: upgrade to 1.8.2

Hi all

A new rspamd version is available, we would like to release it for centos 7.6, would you mind it to validate it

yum update rspamd --enablerepo=nethserver-testing


So far, so good!

Thank you!

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Just installed here! Interesting changelog:

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in the twitter post they claim it looks like a 1.9.0 version :smiley:

This morning, after moving a spam message to the junkmail folder I got a “Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender” in root’s Inbox:

<"me@org+learn_spam"@spamtrain.nh>: Command died with status 1:
"/usr/bin/rspamc". Command output: Results for file: stdin (0.015 seconds)
HTTP error: 410, <> is skipped for
bayes classifier: already in class spam; probability 100.00%

The new version changed the way rspamc returns the exit status.

If a message is already classified it exits with code “1”. Version 1.8.1 exits with “0” instead :frowning:

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Upstream has patched the issue rspamd-1.8.2-2 is available( not pushed on our repo yet)