Rspamd does not learn by moving mails in SOGo or IPhone mail app

I’m not getting the impression that rspamd in learning from the moved emails.
I’m getting some mails from the same sender still in the spambox.
Looking on status page I see that only 1 user has spam/ham mails as learned processed.
These are the mails I entered in the learning page of rspamd.
None of the moved mail from spam to inbox

I can’t reproduce.
I checked the status of learned spam, it was 1325, then I marked a mail as junk in roundcubemail and the rspamd status page showed 1326.


Also moving the mail to junk folder worked.

Just did a test on my iphone by moving a mail to the spambox.
The amount a learns is not changed.
Can this me the case ?
Using a mobile or Sogo?

Which app?

Default mailapp on iPhone, but also the Sogo webmail

I opened a new topic.

Sorry, no Iphone but it’s working in SOGo.
Did you customize rspamd?
Did you refresh your browser?

No modifications made. Only the dns change due to the unbound issue.
I’ve moved several mails in the last few weeks with several users.
Checked rspamd status on several devices.

The Ham learning as you described in another post to scan vmail folder gives a postive result in the learning. So that is working

Is rspamd checking mails? Do you see mails in the history in rspamd web UI?

Yes. The checking is done and spam is recognized.
The history page is show all mail coming in and if i checked mail they all have a score

Please check the log page for errors, I get following message when I move a mail from inbox to junk folder:

2025-01-15T22:50:21+01:00 [1:mail1:rspamd] (controller) <3e52e7>; csession; rspamd_controller_learn_fin_task: <> learned message as spam: 2025-01-15T22:50:21+01:00 [1:mail1:redis-persistent] 1 changes in 600 seconds. Saving...


Learning by moving mails only works with IMAP(S).

A message is only learned (counted) once, maybe you already trained rspamd with that message, see also Mail — NS8 documentation

Hi Markuz

Not sure what happend, but today i did a test with moving some mail in Sogo webclient and Outlook.
All now gave a good result in the the log as Spam or Ham

2025-01-19T10:21:18+01:00 [1:mail1:rspamd] (controller) <55c4f1>; csession; bayes_classify: not classified as spam. The spam class needs more training samples. Currently: 179; minimum 200 required
2025-01-19T10:21:18+01:00 [1:mail1:rspamd] (controller) <55c4f1>; csession; rspamd_controller_learn_fin_task: <> learned message as spam:

The only change is that is did a update of the mail instance to 1.5.1 and this has the DNS back to instead of my tweak to (Nethsecurity IP)
The strange part is that Rspamd is not complaining any more with some error about DNS.
I keep the setting for now and keep an eye on it

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