Ok I used raspian on sd to update kernel and firmware set RPI to boot from USB edited cmdline.txt
with the new drive id
console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline fsck.repair=yes rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles
rebooted with sd card removed and it worked
First issued the two following cmds
[root@server ~]# growpart /dev/sda 2
[root@server ~]# resize2fs /dev/sda2
then I had to re-setup ethernet by issuing these
[root@server ~]# route add default gw
[root@server ~]# echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf ```
Then had to change fstab
[root@server ~]# nano /etc/fstab
UUID=411fdb4d-e8d1-4c41-a970-2b49aa033bcd / ext4 auto defaults,noatime 0 0
UUID=7D8F-3E27 /boot auto defaults 0 0
UUID=efa263ba-8b87-4b23-b5b7-d5a4100678e0 / auto defaults 0 0
UUID=7532-D82F /boot vfat auto defaults,noatime 0 0
to remove sd card trying to mount to /boot as well as ssd
UUID=411fdb4d-e8d1-4c41-a970-2b49aa033bcd /auto defaults 0 0
UUID=7532-D82F /boot auto defaults 0 0
`[root@server ~]# systemctl daemon-reload’
but ad dc, mail, sso, DNS was still down
so I ran database e-smith script to reconnect the db
[root@server ~]# /etc/e-smith/events/actions/initialize-default-databases
and tried to restore configbackup it failed for somereason ill investigate later but i then had to go into the network interfaces page and delete br0 to sonfigure it as eth0 with correct ip
now i have to get the following back up and running
Please, review the following settings:
- nmb: The service is either not running or not enabled
- nsdc: The service is either not running or not enabled
- dnsmasq : The service is either not running or not enabled
- suricata : The service is either not running or not enabled
- dovecot : The service is either not running or not enabled
- shorewall : The service is either not running or not enabled
Restarted and nmb is working
I’d like to note the rpi felt hot (my rpi case is an Argon ONE M.2 Case with both passive heatsink cooling and a fan) so i issued
[root@server ~]# vcgencmd measure_temp
and got temp=44.8'C
turns out I’m just used to it being cold to the touch running off sd and the extra heat is coming from the ssd and the fact i had the hdmi cable inserted,
I’ll tweak some settings to cool it further since noise isn’t an issue as it will be in my server rack in my garage
the argon40 script to install powerbutton and fan control is for debian but I’m sure it can be tweaked for centos
argon_create_file() {
if [ -f $1 ]; then
sudo rm $1
sudo touch $1
sudo chmod 666 $1
argon_check_pkg() {
RESULT=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep "installed")
if [ "" == "$RESULT" ]; then
echo "NG"
echo "OK"
# Check if Raspbian, otherwise Ubuntu
grep -q -F 'Raspbian' /etc/os-release &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
pkglist=(raspi-gpio python3-rpi.gpio python3-smbus i2c-tools)
# Ubuntu has serial and i2c enabled
pkglist=(python3-rpi.gpio python3-smbus i2c-tools)
for curpkg in ${pkglist[@]}; do
sudo apt-get install -y $curpkg
RESULT=$(argon_check_pkg "$curpkg")
if [ "NG" == "$RESULT" ]
echo "********************************************************************"
echo "Please also connect device to the internet and restart installation."
echo "********************************************************************"
# Ubuntu Mate for RPi has raspi-config too
command -v raspi-config &> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0
sudo raspi-config nonint do_serial 0
if [ ! -f $daemonconfigfile ]; then
# Generate config file for fan speed
sudo touch $daemonconfigfile
sudo chmod 666 $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Argon One Fan Configuration' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# List below the temperature (Celsius) and fan speed (in percent) pairs' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Use the following form:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# min.temperature=speed' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Example:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 55=10' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 60=55' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# 65=100' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Above example sets the fan speed to' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# NOTE: Lines begining with # are ignored' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Type the following at the command line for changes to take effect:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '#' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '# Start below:' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '55=10' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '60=55' >> $daemonconfigfile
echo '65=100' >> $daemonconfigfile
# Generate script that runs every shutdown event
argon_create_file $shutdownscript
echo "#!/usr/bin/python3" >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import sys' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import smbus' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'import RPi.GPIO as GPIO' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'rev = GPIO.RPI_REVISION' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'if rev == 2 or rev == 3:' >> $shutdownscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(1)' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'else:' >> $shutdownscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(0)' >> $shutdownscript
echo 'if len(sys.argv)>1:' >> $shutdownscript
echo " bus.write_byte(0x1a,0)" >> $shutdownscript
# powercut signal
echo ' if sys.argv[1] == "poweroff" or sys.argv[1] == "halt":' >> $shutdownscript
echo " try:" >> $shutdownscript
echo " bus.write_byte(0x1a,0xFF)" >> $shutdownscript
echo " except:" >> $shutdownscript
echo " rev=0" >> $shutdownscript
sudo chmod 755 $shutdownscript
# Generate script to monitor shutdown button
argon_create_file $powerbuttonscript
echo "#!/usr/bin/python3" >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import smbus' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import RPi.GPIO as GPIO' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import os' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'import time' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'from threading import Thread' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'rev = GPIO.RPI_REVISION' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'if rev == 2 or rev == 3:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(1)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'else:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus = smbus.SMBus(0)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'GPIO.setwarnings(False)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'shutdown_pin=4' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'GPIO.setup(shutdown_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'def shutdown_check():' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while True:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' pulsetime = 1' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' GPIO.wait_for_edge(shutdown_pin, GPIO.RISING)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(0.01)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while GPIO.input(shutdown_pin) == GPIO.HIGH:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(0.01)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' pulsetime += 1' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if pulsetime >=2 and pulsetime <=3:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' os.system("reboot")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' elif pulsetime >=4 and pulsetime <=5:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' os.system("shutdown now -h")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'def get_fanspeed(tempval, configlist):' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' for curconfig in configlist:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' curpair = curconfig.split("=")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempcfg = float(curpair[0])' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fancfg = int(float(curpair[1]))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tempval >= tempcfg:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return fancfg' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'def load_config(fname):' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig = []' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' with open(fname, "r") as fp:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' for curline in fp:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if not curline:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmpline = curline.strip()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if not tmpline:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tmpline[0] == "#":' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmppair = tmpline.split("=")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(tmppair) != 2:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempval = 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanval = 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempval = float(tmppair[0])' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if tempval < 0 or tempval > 100:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanval = int(float(tmppair[1]))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if fanval < 0 or fanval > 100:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' continue' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig.append( "{:5.1f}={}".format(tempval,fanval))' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(newconfig) > 0:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' newconfig.sort(reverse=True)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return []' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' return newconfig' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'def temp_check():' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanconfig = ["65=100", "60=55", "55=10"]' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tmpconfig = load_config("'$daemonconfigfile'")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if len(tmpconfig) > 0:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' fanconfig = tmpconfig' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' address=0x1a' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' prevblock=0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' while True:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempfp = open("/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp", "r")' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' temp = tempfp.readline()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' tempfp.close()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' val = float(int(temp)/1000)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except IOError:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' val = 0' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' block = get_fanspeed(val, fanconfig)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' if block < prevblock:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' prevblock = block' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' bus.write_byte(address,block)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' except IOError:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' temp=""' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' time.sleep(30)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'try:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1 = Thread(target = shutdown_check)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2 = Thread(target = temp_check)' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1.start()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2.start()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo 'except:' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t1.stop()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' t2.stop()' >> $powerbuttonscript
echo ' GPIO.cleanup()' >> $powerbuttonscript
sudo chmod 755 $powerbuttonscript
argon_create_file $daemonfanservice
# Fan Daemon
echo "[Unit]" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "Description=Argon One Fan and Button Service" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "After=multi-user.target" >> $daemonfanservice
echo '[Service]' >> $daemonfanservice
echo 'Type=simple' >> $daemonfanservice
echo "Restart=always" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "RemainAfterExit=true" >> $daemonfanservice
echo "ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 $powerbuttonscript" >> $daemonfanservice
echo '[Install]' >> $daemonfanservice
echo "WantedBy=multi-user.target" >> $daemonfanservice
sudo chmod 644 $daemonfanservice
argon_create_file $removescript
# Uninstall Script
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "-------------------------"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "Argon One Uninstall Tool"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo "-------------------------"' >> $removescript
echo 'echo -n "Press Y to continue:"' >> $removescript
echo 'read -n 1 confirm' >> $removescript
echo 'echo' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" = "y" ]' >> $removescript
echo 'then' >> $removescript
echo ' confirm="Y"' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo '' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" != "Y" ]' >> $removescript
echo 'then' >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $removescript
echo ' exit' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ -d "/home/pi/Desktop" ]; then' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm "/home/pi/Desktop/argonone-config.desktop"' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm "/home/pi/Desktop/argonone-uninstall.desktop"' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
echo 'if [ -f '$powerbuttonscript' ]; then' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo systemctl stop '$daemonname'.service' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo systemctl disable '$daemonname'.service' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo /usr/bin/python3 '$shutdownscript' uninstall' >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$powerbuttonscript >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$shutdownscript >> $removescript
echo ' sudo rm '$removescript >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Removed Argon One Services."' >> $removescript
echo ' echo "Cleanup will complete after restarting the device."' >> $removescript
echo 'fi' >> $removescript
sudo chmod 755 $removescript
argon_create_file $configscript
# Config Script
echo '#!/bin/bash' >> $configscript
echo 'daemonconfigfile='$daemonconfigfile >> $configscript
echo 'echo "--------------------------------------"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "Argon One Fan Speed Configuration Tool"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "--------------------------------------"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "WARNING: This will remove existing configuration."' >> $configscript
echo 'echo -n "Press Y to continue:"' >> $configscript
echo 'read -n 1 confirm' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" = "y" ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' confirm="Y"' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ "$confirm" != "Y" ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "Thank you."' >> $configscript
echo 'get_number () {' >> $configscript
echo ' read curnumber' >> $configscript
echo ' re="^[0-9]+$"' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ -z "$curnumber" ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-2"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [[ $curnumber =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]+$ ]]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curnumber -lt 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curnumber -gt 100 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' fi ' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curnumber' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "-1"' >> $configscript
echo ' return' >> $configscript
echo '}' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript
echo 'loopflag=1' >> $configscript
echo 'while [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Select fan mode:"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 1. Always on"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 2. Adjust to temperatures (55C, 60C, and 65C)"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 3. Customize behavior"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo " 4. Cancel"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "NOTE: You can also edit $daemonconfigfile directly"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Enter Number (1-4):"' >> $configscript
echo ' newmode=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [[ $newmode -ge 1 && $newmode -le 4 ]]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo 'done' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ $newmode -eq 4 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled"' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'elif [ $newmode -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo 1"="100 >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Fan always on."' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'elif [ $newmode -eq 2 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Please provide fan speeds for the following temperatures:"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=55' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $curtemp -lt 70 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errorfanflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n ""$curtemp"C (0-100 only):"' >> $configscript
echo ' curfan=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curfan -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curtemp"="$curfan >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=$((curtemp+5))' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Configuration updated."' >> $configscript
echo ' exit' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
echo 'echo "Please provide fan speeds and temperature pairs"' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'loopflag=1' >> $configscript
echo 'paircounter=0' >> $configscript
echo 'while [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'do' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=1' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errortempflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Provide minimum temperature (in Celsius) then [ENTER]:"' >> $configscript
echo ' curtemp=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curtemp -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curtemp -eq -2 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' while [ $errorfanflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' do' >> $configscript
echo ' echo -n "Provide fan speed for "$curtemp"C (0-100) then [ENTER]:"' >> $configscript
echo ' curfan=$( get_number )' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $curfan -ge 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' elif [ $curfan -eq -2 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' errortempflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' errorfanflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' loopflag=0' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' done' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $loopflag -eq 1 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' if [ $paircounter -eq 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo ' then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" > $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Argon One Fan Speed Configuration" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "#" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "# Min Temp=Fan Speed" >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo ' echo $curtemp"="$curfan >> $daemonconfigfile' >> $configscript
echo ' ' >> $configscript
echo ' paircounter=$((paircounter+1))' >> $configscript
echo ' ' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "* Fan speed will be set to "$curfan" once temperature reaches "$curtemp" C"' >> $configscript
echo ' echo' >> $configscript
echo ' fi' >> $configscript
echo 'done' >> $configscript
echo '' >> $configscript
echo 'echo' >> $configscript
echo 'if [ $paircounter -gt 0 ]' >> $configscript
echo 'then' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Thank you! We saved "$paircounter" pairs."' >> $configscript
echo ' sudo systemctl restart '$daemonname'.service' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Changes should take effect now."' >> $configscript
echo 'else' >> $configscript
echo ' echo "Cancelled, no data saved."' >> $configscript
echo 'fi' >> $configscript
sudo chmod 755 $configscript
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable $daemonname.service
sudo systemctl start $daemonname.service
if [ "$CHECKPLATFORM" = "Raspbian" ] && [ -d "/home/pi/Desktop" ]
sudo wget http://download.argon40.com/ar1config.png -O /usr/share/pixmaps/ar1config.png --quiet
sudo wget http://download.argon40.com/ar1uninstall.png -O /usr/share/pixmaps/ar1uninstall.png --quiet
# Create Shortcuts
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $shortcutfile
echo "Name=Argon One Configuration" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Comment=Argon One Configuration" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/ar1config.png" >> $shortcutfile
echo 'Exec=lxterminal -t "Argon One Configuration" --working-directory=/home/pi/ -e '$configscript >> $shortcutfile
echo "Type=Application" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Terminal=false" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Categories=None;" >> $shortcutfile
chmod 755 $shortcutfile
echo "[Desktop Entry]" > $shortcutfile
echo "Name=Argon One Uninstall" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Comment=Argon One Uninstall" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/ar1uninstall.png" >> $shortcutfile
echo 'Exec=lxterminal -t "Argon One Uninstall" --working-directory=/home/pi/ -e '$removescript >> $shortcutfile
echo "Type=Application" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Encoding=UTF-8" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Terminal=false" >> $shortcutfile
echo "Categories=None;" >> $shortcutfile
chmod 755 $shortcutfile
# IR config script
sudo wget https://download.argon40.com/argonone-irconfig.sh -O /usr/bin/argonone-ir --quiet
sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/argonone-ir
echo "***************************"
echo "Argon One Setup Completed."
echo "***************************"
if [ ! "$CHECKPLATFORM" = "Raspbian" ]
echo "You may need to reboot for changes to take effect"
if [ -f $shortcutfile ]; then
echo Shortcuts created in your desktop.
echo Use 'argonone-config' to configure fan
echo Use 'argonone-uninstall' to uninstall
also just a thought but might be nice to have a temp gage on the dashboard some info here
just realised that the system time is
[Thu Jan 1 10:43:14 AEST 1970] might explain some of the dns and firewall issues
ok fixed that with
[root@server ~]# yum install ntp -y
[root@server ~]# systemctl start ntpd.service
[root@server ~]# systemctl enable ntpd.service
then edited the ntp config file
[root@server ~]# nano /etc/ntp.conf
# Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project.
# Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html).
server 0.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 1.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 2.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
server 3.centos.pool.ntp.org iburst
# Use public servers from the pool.ntp.org project.
# Please consider joining the pool (http://www.pool.ntp.org/join.html).
server ntp.***.nmi.gov.au nmi
server ntp.***.nmi.gov.au nmi
server ntp.****.nmi.gov.au nmi
server ntp.****.nmi.gov.au nmi
server ntp.****.nmi.gov.au nmi
then ran
[root@server ~]# ntp.****.nmi.gov.au
and changed the ntp setings in neth to use ntp.****.nmi.gov.au
so I’m no longer in the '70s
So I’m making progress now on to dnscache firewall and ad
I checked into the logs and for dovecot it’s failing authentication which would be due to ad being down i uninstalled and reinstalled firewall and although firewall didnt start after reinstall it did get dnscache working so I’m going to reinstall ad
Unfortunately that didn’t work I was able to uninstall ad but trying to reinstall it would go to initialise then back to setup