RP4 not registering for subscription


I am trying to enroll/pay for a subscription to Neth on a RP4 device and I keep getting and keep getting an invalid secret response when entering the token. Though this hardware might not be supported I’m requiring all hardware I push out the door for clients to have/maintain an active subscription to NS. Let me know what you need on my end to help resolve this.

It is not possible to register an ARM system. The ARM architectures are still considered under development:

  • they are not considered as testing targets during development and point releases
  • they are not synched to mirrors
  • they are not supported in the #subscription program

How would I go about getting a Crostino like subscription for a product like this? My goal is to be able to support NS with Crostino or better subs on items that use NS. I’m not really interested in support but wouldn’t mind the info showing up in my.nethserver.com with it’s general info and online status.

If anything else, maybe this might be a signal for potential interest in this area. I’ve been very happy with what I can accomplish so far with this simple and relatively affordable unit.


If you are interested, the Subscription portal is built on an open source project, Dartagnan.

You can deploy your private Dartagnan instance and fill the repositories as you like. Surely it requires a bit of work!

You can find the pointers here https://docs.nethserver.org/en/v7/subscription.html

@giacomo I feel we need a statement about architectures support in the admin manual and, why not in the my.nethserver.com splash page :thinking:

It’s not going to work, as you already experienced. IIRC the inventory part requires some libraries not available on ARM.

We could add it, but the ARM image is quite hard to find and it’s stated it’s a community effort.


Okely dokely, maybe consider this a feature request if the market ever becomes of interest. I am seeking to find ways to get you guys paid when I use NS. Best of luck and thank you for your work so far.