Roundcubemail 1.4.11 needs testers

We are going to provide roundcubemail 1.4.11 to everybody, previously it was from my repository, testers are welcome to test the upgrade and the direct installation

yum install nethserver-roundcubemail --enablerepo=nethserver-testing

note: we do not change the skin, it will stay with larry but either you can override to elastic with

config setprop roundcubemail skin elastic
signal-event nethserver-roundcubemail-update

or any user can choose his skin in the roundcubemail preferences


No trouble what-so-ever installing on a fresh NS(arm) with ldap account-provider

  • No error in logs. :heavy_check_mark:
  • Can change default skin to elastic, as described. :heavy_check_mark:
  • Can set a skin (other than the default) as a user in the roundcubemail UI @ preferences. This individual (user) setting supersedes any changes in the default (skin) setting as it should. :heavy_check_mark:

Thank you, good job :grinning: