Roundcube email and timeout session

Hello everyone, I can’t find the parameters to define the login session times or the expiration date. Does anyone know how to do it?

You may have to use a custom template for /etc/roundcubemail/
changing the session lifetime to the desired setting.
Currently, the setting you are looking for is on 40SYSTEM template.


mkdir -p "/etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/"
vi "/etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/"

// Session lifetime in minutes
$config['session_lifetime'] = 20;

then expand the template (or send the signal event):

expand-template /etc/roundcubemail/
signal-event nethserver-roundcubemail-update

Thank you very much, as soon as I can I try right away!