Roundcube and NethServer < 7.9 problem

Hello all,

I have found another bug, when we try to install nethserver-roundcubemail with NethServer 7.7 (for example):

XXX XX XX:XX:XX server pkgaction[XXXX]: [YumRPMCheckError] [u'ERROR with transaction check vs depsolve:', 'roundcubemail is needed by nethserver-roundcubemail-1.4.0-1.ns7.noarch']

Normally like other apps, it must be an old compatible version.
The update will be done after upgrade.

Please update to nethserver 7.9 asap. :grinning:

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Old NethServer release.
Package repositories pointing to latest version (remember there are repos, like EPEL, that do not follow minor versions like 7.7 but main version like 7, IIRC)
As told, (if you really are using NethServer) update to the latest version.

Solution is given. Closing this topic as will not lead to anything fruitful.