Roadwarrior VPN breaks access to LAN (Green network)

Have been running Nethserver as VPN gateway for some time without a problem. Today I lost acces from VPN network and NS gateway to part of my LAN. The LAN is a /23 network. The ‘lower’ part is not reachable, the NS itself is on that lower part. The ‘upper’ part is reachable, so are several other routed networks (green).

The firewall log shows no drops while pinging from the NS to the LAN, but shows the following when pinging from a connected VPN client to the LAN:
Sep 22 22:24:12 vpn kernel: Shorewall:sfilter:DROP:IN=tunrw OUT=tunrw MAC= SRC=DST= LEN=64 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=58614 DPT=443 WINDOW=65535 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0

Disabeling the VPN makes the LAN reachable from the NS again.

The issue appeared out of the blue, I have no idea what triggered it. I tried al kind of settings for the VPN config but to no result.


Would you please post some informations?
Green Subnet
Blue Subnet (if present)
VPN subnet (OpenVPN or IPSec?)
VPN kind (routed or bridged?)
NSDC/AD present?

Green subnet:
Blue subnet: none
VPN subnet:
OpenVPN, routed.
AD present, used for VPN user authentication.

Interesting subnet, /23. I can relate for green, but i’d like to ask: do you really have more than 250 OpenVPN users?

Oeps… That is a typo. /24 for the VPN. The LAN is /23 though.

Worth the shot. So, could be an issue to you use another subnet instead of, for OpenVPN?
I’d go for, but feel free to do any kind of test/trick down this hill.
I’m delibeately avoiding 192.168.x.x.

Followed your advice, but to no effect. Will have a fresh view tomorrow. Bye for now!

The error was in the routing table. The LAN was routed twice, one of the entries pointing to an IP on the VPN network. I manually deleted the first entry and for now that resolves the issue. UG 0 0 0 tunrw U 0 0 0 enp1s0

( To delete the entry: route del -net gw netmask dev tunrw)

The question remains: Where did that come from? I have no idea.

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Found an entry in the VPN user database assigning a ‘remote network’ to a user. Put it there some weeks ago to test the purpose and forgot.
This entry in retrospect declared my LAN as a remote network and had a system wide impact through the kernel routing table. Bug or feature? :upside_down_face:

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That is the question…

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That field can be used to create a net-to-net VPN using the roadwarrior interface.

Of course it’s a feature from OpenVPN :smiley:

Maybe we could add a validator to avoid conflicts, but sometimes it’s useful to specify the same network if you do some NAT magic behind the scenes.

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