Wow, I had a hard day, cutting off a whole company from work because AD sysvol replication fooled me and made both DCs to normal servers accepting no logons anymore. I could then save my life with a lousy MS article, and now I see this discussion…
Big thanks to you all. I just love this community! Can’t believe the statistics, this is crazy. I’ll try to keep it up. But as I can see I have to give more likes
I am looking forward to see you all at the conference!
After many helpful installation and configuration guides from @mrmarkuz and @fausp, this time we would like to reward @planet_jeroen for his contributions.
Not only for giving support and be active on Community decisions affecting NethServer…
…but also for his input on Active Directory and for writing down this howto:
Thanks guys, but really, see this as a thank you from me to you guys, for making it possible in the first place This way I can give as well, instead of just take