Reverse Proxy think tank

Looking for things needed by a module of reverse proxy…I’m thinking loudly, add your salt

  • Reverse Proxy of a folder to a specific port on the localhost
    example -> shellinabox is normally on the 4200 port, we can make a http://IP/shell for an easy recall way.
    we can add also
    Force SSL if needed
    User and group authentication, probably by LDAP
    Restrict to local network, allow to the internet

  • Reverse a domain to another internal IP
    We can have the need to redirect a domain to another internal IP address (another server with an apache service running)
    A apache request, coming on your NS, will be redirected to a specific IP.
    we can add also
    Force SSL if needed
    User and group authentication, probably by LDAP
    Restrict to local network, allow to the internet

Now I Imagine that the reverse proxy files will be saved in /etc/httpd/conf.d (or in /etc/httpd/nethserver.d ???) and we could use the database ‘hosts’ for avoiding to reverse a domain hosted on the NS.

Of course a module with a table class must be coded…

what I’m missing ?


@GG_jr … I think you want to join this discussion… :smile:

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And @filippo_carletti too! (My wishes list (or Letter to Santa) - #9 by zamboni)

Probably we also need advanced options, since not all sites work well under a proxy reverse.
These options come to my mind:

Maybe a simple text-area is enough :wink:

It seems a very good feature to me, already requested some times: