Reverse proxy subdomain to secondary application Nethserver

I have a NS as a frontend firewall and accepting in the Webserver.
Now I want have point to a secondary internal NS server with IP which hosts a webtop instance and owncloud but I am not successful.
The reason is, that I want to have several application Nethservers for different subdomains and I want to separate firewall from applications servers.

  1. Reverse-proxy-rule ->
    Accessing from the outside displayed the NS2-Welcome page, but gives an error “Service Unavailable” gives error “Access from untrusted domain”

  2. Reverse-proxy-rule ->
    Accessing gives login screen from webtop but nextcloud cannot be accessed because there is no path, which can be specified

  3. Port forwarding 2443 to ns2:443 works and gives nethserver login screen works and gives webtop login screen gives error “Access from untrusted domain”

How so solve this problem? The goal is to have variant 1 working.



Are you using reverse-proxy with path or with domain?
Makes a BIG difference

Additionally, using SSL almost needs a LetsEncrypt Cert on the target server, a self created one will give you issues.
The frontend NethServer could handle SSL for almost all stuff (forwarding only http), but AFAIK this will not work for Nextcloud, SoGo or Webtop, as these use certain technologies like Restful which doesn’t work well with reverse proxies.

For Nextcloud at least this is needed:

Needs to be set in the newer Cockpit, under Applications → Nextcloud → Settings
Trusted domains (one per line),

My 2 cents

  1. Untrusted domain in NextCloud
    Adding to the second NS nextcloud configuration as trusted domain solves the nextcloud problem in cases 1 und 3. What I dont’ understand is, that the check box "Use virtual host for nextcloud is NOT checked. The explination under “trusted domains” says, that if this check box un unchecked nextcloud is reachable from all IPs and FQNs. I am for example able to access nextcloud with a local IP.

  2. path or domain.
    It is not possible to use a subdomain in the path-syntax (like, so I must use domain (
    However then I tried with Path /ns2 -> it works neither (cannot display page).

  3. Any idea the for webtop problem?

Sry, as I don’t use Webtop myself, I can’t give any tips, but I’m sure one of the Webtop devs can help

Nextcloud: If the virtualhost is checked, it will ONLY be available under that name

Even IP/nextcloud will NOT work!


I found the reason for problem 1 myself: The problem is, that the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ already contained three reverse proxy files for webtop although webtop is NOT installied on this machine. These make it impossible to reverse proxy an domain contaning /webtop in the path. Removing this files solved the problem (temporarily).

The files are webtop5-webdav.conf, webtop5-zpush.conf, webtop.conf.

I think either these files should only be installied/aktivated, when webtop gets installed. In addition the configured reverse proxy domains should take precedence over other configuration especially those with ProxyPass.

The question is now: How to disable it without having the next update break the configuration.

In the destination server I had to comment out the redirection from http to https in file conf.d/ because the SSL is done by the front reverse proxy server.

# 20webtop
#RewriteEngine on
#RewriteRule ^/webtop(/.*)?$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}/webtop$1 [L,R=301]

# 40nextcloud
#RewriteEngine On
#RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
#RewriteRule ^/nextcloud(/.*)?$  https://%{HTTP_HOST}/nextcloud$1  [L,R=301]

But this change will be overridden by updates. How to make this change permanent? Or maybe is there a UI setting?


Hallo Carsten

Make a custom template on the destination server to keep your config changes update-proof

Note: Templates-Custom take precedence over Templates.

You will find the existing templates under /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d

Create under /etc/e-smith/templates-custom the same structure as above:

mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd
mkdir /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf.d

Copy over the original code / template:

cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/ /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf.d/

Now you can edit the copied file as needed.

At the end, use a

expand-template /etc/httpd/conf.d/

and maybe a restart of httpd

systemctl restart httpd

Check the real config file, if your changes are now persistant, they should be!

Good Luck!

My 2 cents

@Andy_Wismer Thanks a lot.
It would be nice, if the disabling of SSL enforcement would be available in the UI in the future. Perhaps someone wil do it.

I found a simpler solution. Just proxy to https instead of http (which is not working currently). This removes the need to change existing templates. However, the files webtop5-webdav.conf, webtop5-zpush.conf, webtop.conf still have to be removed, because the take precedence over the reverse proxy configuration.

Also I improved the reverse proxy to handle WebSockets automatically.

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Trying to understand what is your concerns but these files are not present on my email server, and it is good because I do not use webtop

so now I would like to understand where come these files


rpm -qf /path/to/the/files

My best bet is that you have installed nethserver-webtop5 then removed it but you have not removed the last dependencies

please check

rpm -qa | grep -i 'webtop'

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webtop5-webdav.conf comes from webtop5-webdav
webtop5-zpush.conf comes from webtop5-zpush

Indeed, this is the output of the command:

I checked at another NS which has webtop5 installed. The output there is:

So removing webtop5 from with the “Remove” command from the applications dashboard does a partial uninstall only. Could this be improved so that NS deinstalls all packages of an application when it gets removed?

to remove all unnecessary dependencies do

yum autoremove

this is the normal way of yum, maybe not your normal way of thought I assume

Try yourself in a VM


yum install nethserver-webtop5


yum remove nethserver-webtop5

only nethserver-webtop5 is removed

Morover templates are not removed when the nethserver-xxxx is removed, that could hurt badly I think.

The easy way could use a %postun in the rpm and clean up all templates, but I think no developers have made it
at least I have never read something related to templates removal in a rpm spec.

The httpd case is specific because httpd is always running, not like another services that we could uninstall or stop. Maybe we have a room for improvements here

I don’t suggest to automatically remove templates or settings during package removal?
Now modules can be uninstalled
 why don’t realize two toggles (one for settings, one for custom templates?)

What about “yum autoremove”. In theory this should remove all packages which where installed only because of a dependency of others, but are not longer referenced.

I just issued the command in one of my server and it suggests quite many packages for removal. Do you think it is save to say “Yes”? to them? If yum autoremove is save, then it should be considered to issue this command at package removal. This should also remove templates.

 fann                                    x86_64             2.2.0-6.el7                   @epel                           349 k
 ghostscript                             x86_64             9.25-2.el7_7.3                @ce-updates                     150 k
 ghostscript-fonts                       noarch             5.50-32.el7                   @ce-base                        622 k
 nethserver-rh-php71-php-fpm             noarch             1.1.2-1.ns7                   @nethserver-updates             206
 openblas-serial                         x86_64             0.3.3-2.el7                   @epel                            35 M
 php-imap                                x86_64             5.4.16-9.el7                  @epel                           105 k
 php-ldap                                x86_64             5.4.16-48.el7                 @ce-base                         57 k
 php-mbstring                            x86_64             5.4.16-48.el7                 @ce-base                        1.3 M
 php-mcrypt                              x86_64             5.4.16-9.el7                  @epel                            48 k
 php-process                             x86_64             5.4.16-48.el7                 @ce-base                         78 k
 poppler-data                            noarch             0.4.6-3.el7                   @ce-base                         11 M
 python2-gflags                          noarch             2.0-5.el7                     @epel                           328 k
 sclo-php71-php-imap                     x86_64             7.1.30-1.el7                  @ce-sclo-sclo                   100 k
 sclo-php71-php-mcrypt                   x86_64             7.1.30-1.el7                  @ce-sclo-sclo                    47 k
 sclo-php71-php-smbclient                x86_64             1.0.0-1.el7                   @ce-sclo-sclo                    98 k
 sclo-php71-php-tidy                     x86_64             7.1.30-1.el7                  @ce-sclo-sclo                   415 k
 sclo-php72-php-pecl-imagick             x86_64             3.4.4-3.el7                   @ce-sclo-sclo                   506 k
 sclo-php72-php-smbclient                x86_64             1.0.0-1.el7                   @ce-sclo-sclo                    98 k
Removing for dependencies:
 libgfortran                             x86_64             4.8.5-39.el7                  @ce-base                        1.1 M
 libmcrypt                               x86_64             2.5.8-13.el7                  @epel                           283 k
 libquadmath                             x86_64             4.8.5-39.el7                  @ce-base                        276 k
 rh-php71                                x86_64             1-1.el7                       @ce-sclo-rh                     0.0
 rh-php71-php-bcmath                     x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                      58 k
 rh-php71-php-cli                        x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     8.4 M
 rh-php71-php-common                     x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     4.5 M
 rh-php71-php-enchant                    x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                      25 k
 rh-php71-php-fpm                        x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     4.3 M
 rh-php71-php-gd                         x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     375 k
 rh-php71-php-intl                       x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     465 k
 rh-php71-php-json                       x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                      40 k
 rh-php71-php-ldap                       x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                      65 k
 rh-php71-php-mbstring                   x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     1.4 M
 rh-php71-php-mysqlnd                    x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     419 k
 rh-php71-php-opcache                    x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     395 k
 rh-php71-php-pdo                        x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     189 k
 rh-php71-php-pear                       noarch             1:1.10.4-1.el7                @ce-sclo-rh                     2.1 M
 rh-php71-php-pecl-apcu                  x86_64             5.1.8-1.el7                   @ce-sclo-rh                     177 k
 rh-php71-php-pgsql                      x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     183 k
 rh-php71-php-process                    x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                      90 k
 rh-php71-php-soap                       x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     308 k
 rh-php71-php-xml                        x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     427 k
 rh-php71-php-zip                        x86_64             7.1.30-2.el7                  @ce-sclo-rh                     136 k
 rh-php71-runtime                        x86_64             1-1.el7                       @ce-sclo-rh                      22 k

At another server the list was only one package:

In theory yes, rh-php71 has been removed as dependencies from another rpm, probably nextcloud IIRC

No, you cannot mix dependencies removal which come from yum and templates removal that it comes from esmith::templates.

The answer cannot be simple, either each developers takes care to remove template of httpd, or we provide a way to remove all templates, but in any ways, all rpm must be analysed and provide a way to remove all its templates.

As I said, it concerns only httpd, because in most of all cases the service is stopped after you remove the nethserver-xxxx rpm

Are the templates not also just files in /etc/e-smith which get installed by the package? Then they would be removed also by the package removal.

By what other means are the template files created instead?

these are removed yes, but the template expansion in the real folder no

for example

/etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf.d/webtop.conf/10base will be removed

but the expansion /etc/httpd/conf.d/webtop.conf will stay in the httpd folder and this could break your apache configuration