Hi all
a friend of mine suffered a HW crash and has the backup on a S3 instance, done with restic
unfortunately… he hasn’t the correct restic pwd
can anyone tell me the criteria behind restic password generation?
AFAICT it’s always 16 chars long… am I right?
any other criteria about special chars/repetition and so on?
I’m trying to generate a password list to feed john the ripper and have the password back
Yes, I read it.
Unfortunately, as I said, I don’t have the restic password autogenerated.
So I have my full backup available but I can’t decrypt it and restore it
I’m asking about how the restica password is generated to try to generate a wordlist to be used with John the ripper to “crack” the key sha265 hash.
As you maybe know I’m not a Neth user, I’m just trying to help a friend and I sincerely have no time to search the source code.
in any case, thank you for your time
sub generate
my $self = shift;
my @symbols = (); # flat alphabet set
my $length = $self->{'length'};
my @secret = ();
my @keyset = 0..($length - 1);
# Flattenize the alphabet and extract a symbol from each sublist
foreach (@{$self->{'symbols'}}) {
if(ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') {
my @psym = @{$_};
my $index = $keyset[rand(@keyset)]; # get a random index
@keyset = grep { $_ != $index } @keyset; # pop the extracted index from the set
$secret[$index] = $psym[rand(@psym)]; # initialize the index with a random sublist element
push @symbols, @psym; # flattenize the sublist
} else {
push @symbols, $_;
foreach (@keyset) {
$secret[$_] = $symbols[rand(@symbols)]; # fill the remaining indexes
$self->{'secret'} = join('', @secret);
$self->{'dirty'} = 1;
return $self;
where simbols are:
‘symbols’ => [[‘A’…‘Z’], [‘a’…‘z’], [‘0’…‘9’], [‘_’]]
I’m not a perl expert, would anyone mind to explain the routine?
thank you