[RESOLVED] Webmail hide “domain” indication

Hi all,


In Webmail in the login screen, at the bottom in the field Server it shows the URL of the server.

Is it possible to hide this field?

Any suggestion appreciated,


Yes, you can “preset” the choosen server to use for login in config file and hide the field on login page.
I suggest you to select as default “Local” server: if you select domain.ext server you can’t do root login as user (user*root).

You can modify /etc/roundcubemail/config.php.inc setting this row:
$rcmail_config[‘default_host’] = ‘localhost’;

To save it permanently use the templates:
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php/91HIDE_DOMAINDROPDOWN

and write

$config['default_host'] = '';

for local login (accept user*root) or

$config['default_host'] = { $roundcubemail{'Server'} };

for only domain login. That’s it. Apply the template with
expand-template /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php
and restart httpd
systemctl restart httpd

This should be a temporarily solution: I suggest you to switch to Webtop in future.


Hi federico,

# mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php
# vi /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php/91HIDE_DOMAINDROPDOWN

Insert line:
$config[‘default_host’] = ‘’;

# expand-template /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php
# systemctl restart httpd

Works like a charm.

federico, you made my day again


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