What dou you think to rename the “Firewall object”… Since theses objects are not exclusively for the firewall, but can be use by the proxy filter…
I like your proposal, great first shot
I just suggest to move tree things:
- “System/Security/Trusted networks” and “system/security/password policy” could be in “system/configuration”
- “Firewall/static routes” in system/configuration", since there’s nothing about router
- “firewall/ips” in “tools”
And finally Management… I sound too “poor”…
Cups is an app, and share can be a rules, so what do you thing to put theses two itens in “application” and users & groups in configuration.
I would like the Configuration/status at the top of all. and the tools nearer the system configuration…before Firewall.
Hello everybody!
Thank you all for the positive feedback!
IMO, Users, Groups, Shared Folders and Printers (CUPS) belong to a PDC/AD environment.
Even CUPS is an app, is used to manage network printers in a domain.
This was the reason why I have grouped them all in Management.
I tried to keep the original names.
Static routes could be in System/Configuration/Network.
Could you add a new sheet named Jim with your point of view?
below, my proposal:
Modified on 2015.11.08
Static routes moved from Firewall to System → Configuration
Since there nothing about router…
I had edited my precedent sentence
I moved the trusted network in the VPN menu.
I like it, imho it should be planned @filippo_carletti @davidep @giacomo would you support it?
I would like to explain my way to organize the left menu, to argument my proposal.
There is an ergonomic though behind this proposal:
At the top and first, there are all the report and status. No need to scroll or search, all reporting tools are here.
Normally, if the server is ok. Nothing more to do.
If there’s a little anomally, a little warning, the “tools” to workarund are near the “status”, no need to scroll, or very few ( depending of the resolution). Until the software center is here to make update rapidally.
After the “administration tools”, the “system configuration”, even if we need to scroll to access this part, ( and it depend of the resolution), it’s not a big deal, because normally, you go here one time, perhaps two times, but when it’s done… No need to come back here
Same toughs for the firewall configuration, it a coresystem appplication that need to be near the system configuration but as the same, it must be accessed one or two times…
After this, all applications, that should be configured one time, no need to come back here afted the configuration done, so don’t matter if we need to scroll to earn them.
The Proxy is the fisrt applcation because, by it particulas task, it can be assimiled as a “core fonction” and relatyvely near from the firewall for this reason.
All the rest are in alphabetic order.
I think it’s a better way to group and organize this left menu
Can I bump this topic?
You have to!
This is the right moment, since we’re revisiting some design choices for NethServer 7.
The proposal seems a little bit hard to implement.
@davidep what do you think?
The current modules assignment to categories are defined by lines like this
And the categories are listed into
I suggest @Jim, @GG_jr and whoever is interested to tweak the categories on a test environment. For instance on my system
grep -F extendModuleAttributes /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/*.php
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Dashboard.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Status', 10);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/DateTime.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Configuration', 10);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Dhcp.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Configuration', 60);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Duc.php: $a = \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($attributes, 'Status');
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/FQDN.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Configuration', 10);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Group.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Management', 20);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/Hosts.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Configuration', 50);
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/IpsecTunnelsStatus.php: return \Nethgui\Module\SimpleModuleAttributesProvider::extendModuleAttributes($base, 'Status');
/usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Module/LocalNetwork.php: return
It should be easy to substitute the categories strings with your proposal and share a patch or a screenshot of the results.
I think it would be easier to compare it with the current set up.
These items are only existing items in the actual menu…only reorganized ( properly )
I’m not sure I understand your spreadsheet. You say “existing items” but ownCloud (for instance) is currently not there.
Okay… I see.
I made this spreadsheet from the @GG_jr spreadsheet…
I will take a look more closely, I’m making my NS7 virtual Machine
ownCloud is there: Reorganize properly the main left menu - #20 by GG_jr
The spreadsheet contains everything at that date: 2015.11.08