Just started playing with Nethserver and I made the mistake of licensing a machine that I don’t want to use. I can’t delete the machine account as it tells me the license is active. The machines is actually non-functional at this point, so I can’t remove the license from the machine dashboard. How can it be removed from my account? I’d just like to test Nethserver on the server I plan on using.
Hi Jim
so you need to remove the trial subscription from a server not active to another active server. Right?
Yes. To a server that I will install once I get the trial subscription thing figured out.
So, is it possible?
Did you delete the trial from my.nethserver.com and try to delete the license from your nethserver?
I can’t delete the trial from my.nethserver.com. The “delete” button is greyed out, and when it’s hovered, it indicates that “This server can’t be deleted. There’s an active license.”. I can’t delete the license from the Nethserver because it’s no longer functional. Certainly, removing a license from a server that died must have come up before, at some point.
Hi Jim,
You will have to wait until the trial licence has expired. Then you can delete it from your account at my.nethserver.com. I have just tried it out.
I guessed that. I’d like to use the trial, but I suppose I can test the community edition. I’m on the fence between two different systems for my home, and ultimately for my business email server. For home use, Nethserver is cheap enough anyway. If I like the community edition, I’ll just pay for a base level license.
Forgot to ask. Why are there two price lists for Nethserver?
One is at Nethserver Subscription and the other at Subscription – NethServer ? Seems that the plans option is much less expensive. Is it still current?
Hi @jshanks
Read the page title more closely…
One is for NethSecurity, the second is actually for NethServer 8…
My 2 cents
Makes sense. I would have thought they’d be on the same price list. But okay.
The first is the old plans for NethServer 7, I am just disabling it