Remove HTTPS redirects on ClearOS7


I’m currently exploring Nethserver as replacement fro my ClearOS7 server.
I’ve installed Nethserver and i’m getting aquinted more and more and I want to move all packages slowely to the new server.

May not the right place to ask but since Nethserver 7 is on the same bases as ClearOS7 i try my luck
On my ClearOS7 server i somehow set a redirection of HTTP to HTTPS and now i want to remove this because it is blocking my redirects.
The problem is that i don’t know how to remove the redirect. It is not setup with .htaccess or a with a Virtual Host setting.

It is only working on my domain and by accessing of my IP

Who can help me

This is set on a per module basis. What application do you want to change?

Maybe this helps? (flip the switch #3 config option)

It seems unlikely it will, because unless I’m badly misreading the OP, it’s asking how to do this under ClearOS, not under Nethserver.

Nope, I am. Sorry, my bad.

Hi Guys,

Since ClearOS 7 is the same distro as NS7 i’m trying my luck here.
Also because i’m moving to NS of course

I have no experience with ClearOS or it’s workings/applications. Although the underlying base (minimal) distro might be the same, the management layer/middleware and application ecosystem is totally different.

Correct. It is both based on Centos7 with Apache.
As said i made a change, but i did it manually and with in COS opplications
So what i did was basically a change with the Centos distro, but i don’t know any more how i did it. Maybe a Apache or DNS adjustment