hello to all I wanted an advice on what was the best way to connect to a remote nethserver to the web administration page in full security
thank you
Hi m_farlotta,
from outside (WAN) i prefer VPN for that.
I agree with @transocean, it is not wise to open up NS or any other firewall or router to the public, its just too risky. It is best to access it via a secure tunnel like VPN.
If you think about using other services like dokuwiki or sogo or webtop from outside your lan, I would prefer to install a second server with these services.
You do not connect remotely to any admin page, ever. You get a VPN into the local network and proceed from there. Doing it any other way is asking for a world of trouble that WILL eventually hit you when you are least prepared for that.
…which is why we need a separate page to allow users to change their passwords.
SSH would be possible too: