this is more a general question. I want to use Nethserver only as Mailserver with User Accounts beeing on Remote AD Server.
So i configured successfully a remote LDAP connection to the AD server but i cannot see any user accounts, it is “empty table”.
For testing i used Administrator Account on AD Server with ldaps Connection (Administrator@intern.test). User DN specified as: OU=Users,DC=intern,DC=test
I tried also ldap://dc1.intern.test with STARTTLS NO. Or User/Group DN set specific to OU=Users,DC=intern,DC=test
Is it required to be also AD Member? Its not really clear in documentation and in GUI i can not join to AD after LDAP connection is set. I was assuming it works with pure LDAP like in Kerio.
Does AD account need something specific, member of any group?
“isAD” : “”,
“isLdap” : “1”,
Set both to 1 ?
Its working now, i didnt know i had to join AD and after that the LDAP setup appeared.
And i dont quite understand why thats needed because i can see AD accounts with an standard LDAP browser too.
Yesterday i had also the famous error: AccountProvider_Error_82
Like in other threads noted i checked server time and it was way off because my test vm went to suspended mode and after wakeup, the time was wrong. I corrected time manually and changed it back to sync via ntp, still was not working after server reboot. I even changed hw clock but no change. And then today i fire it back up and everything is working, i didnt change anything since yesterday.