RC1 appeals to community

But did you already have Samba installed before?
After the upgrade, I did it as described in the instructions


Yes, it was already there in B2. And indeed I am following the instructions as you mention
" Samba upgrade procedure"

Update: I blame Safari. I opened up cluster-admin in Chrome, and I can access the config details…


I think so too. I will definitely set up a completely new VM after the release of the final version. Thanks to Proxmox, this can be done very quickly

Nevertheless, it is helpful to know why it doesn’t work for you. Unfortunately, I am not a Linux guru. Maybe @davidep would like to write a few words about it.



Worked for 1 instance of Samba and 2 instances of Ldap. All good.

Very impressed!

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Unfortunately, Cupertino do not polish that much its own browser. More unfortunately, most of webapps works better with most diffused webrowser (unfortunately at cube)

Maybe a suggestion to also include the domain name in the user portal screen(s).

And adjust branding (Now Nethesis services)

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its good that my NS8 BEta instance is still running, so i can test the upgrade process to RC1.

but weiredly iwas facing issues just doing a normal update from the interface, so not sure what might have been the issue, do i need to run the updated first before i can upgrade to RC1 or can i go straight to RC1

hahah, and i love this


it seems i had to do a dnf update first from the cli before i could do an update on the admin

but why doesnt the cluster admin also update os first before doing the update.

I am curious as to why these wonderful instructions were not added here as well: Release notes — NS8 documentation (nethserver.org)

Not just yet. All a wonderful work in progress and it is from your feedback things can improve. I ran into this same issue and provided feedback above. But rest assured, we will never have to live upgrade from NS8B2 to NS8RC1 :wink:

My Upgrade worked wonderfully well, and their have been no issues experienced.

@LayLow where are you getting the Nethvoice CTI i dont seem to see it from my dashboard

When I enter the user portal where a user can actually change their password

When to disable the testing switch please? After upgrade to RC1, after the actual release of RC, leave as is or try your luck? :wink:

mine refused to work, and i was getting a blank page, untill i read

interesting feature >>>

would it be possible to implement the name of the user directory on the logi page itself?

Already requested/suggested, good point :slight_smile:

I have created a wiki post to be able to easily collect all wishes from the community regarding Nethserver 8 on a single page.

If we want a new installation, from scratch to NS8-RC1, do we follow the procedure described in “Install on a supported distribution”?

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethServer/ns8-core/ns8-stable/core/install.sh | bash

and then:
2. go to Settings > Software repositories and enable the Testing switch
3. go to Software center page and update the core components
4. go to Settings > Software repositories and disable the Testing switch

After that, do we install the applications from the Software center as usual?


Just wait until the RC1 is officially released! But if you really want it run

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethServer/ns8-core/ns8-stable/core/install.sh | TESTING=1 bash -s ghcr.io/nethserver/core:2.2.0-rc.1
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I am Curious About SOmething,

Digging into NExtcloud NS8 Github FIles, i discovered that the Available version is 27.1.3 but

when I check my installed version on RC1 of NS8 i see the version listed is 27.01

WHy is there this descrepancy, is it on purpose? IF it is on Purpose, is there any way i can pull that latest version on my NS8 for testing?

Yes it’s on purpose: 27.1.3 is on development (main branch) whilst tagged commits become testing/stable releases available from Software Center.

If you’re eager to test 27.1, just wait a bit!