Question about migration my mail server

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009 and 8

I have a question about migration of my mailserver from 7 to 8

Does everything migration to the new server, I mean
settings for
and even the mail I have in my inbox :smiley:

and other settings for SMTP and that?

Why I wonder is because when I read here under Applications

I can see nethserver-mail but not the others.

Webserver does not migrate; you need to migrate your data manually. Firewall isnā€™t part of NS8. Fail2Ban is replaced, kind of, by CrowdSec. Antivirus and Roundcube migrate along with email (which includes all the accounts, domains, and individual email messages).

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hmm ok, maybe I can make a clean install instead :slight_smile:

One more question, when how do I know the migration is finnish. I did connect from my old NS7 to my new NS8 but after that I did not do anything. Did not see any button to push :smiley:

There should be buttons to push in the ā€œNS8 Migrationā€ app on your NS7 system.

Thanks for the replay
Hmm did not see anything more then a textlink for connect to another node.

Hi @cazz

Maybe start by reading the fine manualā€¦ :slight_smile:

It will tell you to install the migration app on your NS7.

That will entail all the steps and options you have.

And: Mails are transfered very wellā€¦ :slight_smile:

My 2 cents

Hi Andy and thanks for the replay
I have read it many times and thanks for the nice guide I did connect my old NS7 to NS8.

But when it was time to ā€œChoose an application and click on the Start migration button.ā€ then I did not find the button, that why I did ask where it was and if I miss it somewhere.

But it is ok, when I did understand what it can and canā€™t do it better for me to try to start a clean NS8 instead.


IMAPsync will be a good friend when it comes to moving mass mail!

For those clients not dependent (Due to licensing for Windows Servers) on AD retainment, I also sometimes choose to do a new oneā€¦

Good Luck as with any migration.
(No one needs or wants a power outage at 90% of the migration!)

My 2 cents