Proxy and UfdbGuard

I’m missing a lot of Proxy and UfdbGuard, I don’t see how DPI can replace this.
DPI has become mostly useless with the proliferation of TLS for everything?

Hello Francenildo,
can you please elaborate a bit?

What problem do you have?
What are you trying to achieve?

I have client where I did a management by groups, where the financial only accesses Banks for example. How can I do this in Nethsecurity?

this is very interesting, I am curious, how did you achieve this kindly?

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In the firewalls of brand like: Sonicwall, Fortinet, Cisco, Sophos, etc. In the free software firewall I always used Squid with Squidguard or UfdbGuard. In PFsense lower version 2.72 and Nethserver up to 7.9 always used, it was perfect.