Protect roundcubemail with 2fa

Has anyone given consideration to applying 2fa to our Roundcube install?

IIRC the plugin must be enabled inside roundcubemail configuration

It’s already there? I can’t find it in either the roundcube or mail settings.

It sems they are not official

This one is the most used, but you have other

Maybe it will work better with the last version of roundcube I offer on my repository

Is it worth considering (I believe it is) to add the 2fa plugin for roundcube to our official pkg?

I propose an updated version of roundcubemail, I could check if it is possible


I think I got it workable with 1.4.8, thinking on the best way to bundle it in the rpm, coming soon

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Works well. Thank you.
Do you manually update the repo? 1.4.8 installed and I see they’re up to .9.

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1.4.9 released, just tested that roundcube works, not tested 2FA, please ping us if not