Problems reaching Collabora Office

This is what @Andy_Wismer asked me to do

To install, just follow the instructions here:


You must have the virtual host ( collabora.domain.tld ) and this must have LetsEncrypt…

My 2 cents

Here is the Doc, which says

I create the vhost from Gui - Application – Web Server – Vhost – Create a virtual host

You only need a dedicated domain name that you configure on the CLI but you don’t need to add a virtualhost in the server manager web server settings.

Please delete it, it is the problem here.

Ok I have deleted the vhost. Now what should I do next

I’d test Collabora by creating/opening a document in Nextcloud.
The app should be able to connect now, also the admin page should be available now.

In Nextcloud

The collabora is not configured error

I am unable to reach the admin page

Maybe you need to reapply the configuration for collabora and restart the services by entering following command:

signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

From Lan, I got this

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It is not showing any user online. There is some problem in configuration.

Great, it seems working.

It only shows users if you open a document, did you try to connect the app and create/open a document?

You may need to add gw.domain.tld to AllowedWopiHost(s):

config setprop coolwsd AllowWopiHost gw.domain.tld
signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

The Nextcloud and the Collabora is installed on a same physical server.

If your instance of Nextcloud is not installed in the same server of Collabora Online, you must set the host name of Nextcloud in the prop AllowWopiHost:

config setprop coolwsd AllowWopiHost
signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

Yes but if you connect to Nextcloud with another domain name you need to add it to AllowedWopiHost.

OK, somehow, when I open the document, the Collabora online is not working. There is no log showing in the admin page

Let me try the nextcloud from lan

Not working from the Lan also

Do you still get the same error when saving the settings in the Nextcloud Collabora app?

Problem solved, and collabora online is working fine. But the performance of the collabora office is very poor. Can we fine tune the cache memory size or other to increase the performance. My server is not so powerful 8 core and 8 Gb of Ram.

What about the Onlyoffice. Does the load is on the Client pc since its the html5 canvas.

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Are you sure you are using the official Collabora and not the Nextcloud limited version?

You may try to enable the Collabora repository and update to the latest version, maybe they improved performance…

My impression is that both are workable but performance is not comparable with a Desktop Office.

You may test Onlyoffice, instructions are in the wiki.

I am confused

Does this give an idea which it is ??

My requirement is the Collaborative work, usually on the xlxs file between more than 1 user’s online. I am not comparing with the Desktop Office, rather what to know the performance gain, if Onlyoffice is used instead of the Collabora.

Please check the Nextcloud office app settings, it should be set to “Use your own server”:

I disable the CODE from the Nextcloud gui in setting. Now the collabora is not working.