Problems at join NethServer on a MS Active Directory domain


Hi Diego

You can add a NethServer to a Windows Server based AD - if it’s on level 2008 R2, perfect!
Officially supported is only as a “member” server, not as an AD, although setting NethServer does work, as per the docs below.

I have not done this myself, as all my clients do not use Windows AD, but NethServer AD… :slight_smile:

When NethServer is added as AD Server to your AD, you can remove the Windows AD, and “promote” your NethServer to Primary.

You will need to make sure that stuff like SysVol, User Profiles and Shares are correctly transfered, or at least available.

These may help:

There are more Docs about this - but as said, it’s not official… It does work, though…

This tool may help with Windows Profiles:

Do make regular backups until the whole server / AD is migrated.
Rule of thummb is: Better a backup too many, than one to little! :slight_smile:

Good Luck!

My 2 cents