Hi All,
My woes continue. frowning:
I completed the migration but have had a number of problems.
- following a failed AD install I tried to copy the command in to Terminal without success. I chaecked the paste buffer but pasting into Terminal doesn’t work. Copying it to a Putty session does work. ???
- The AD set said it had failed but appeared to work?
- I installed minimal extra applications: email, backup, file server, and Sogo. Of these Sogo failed to install.
The paste to Terminal failed (again) but the the following Putty output was obtained.
Using username “root”.
Keyboard-interactive authentication prompts from server:
End of keyboard-interactive prompts from server
Last login: Fri Feb 12 17:55:36 2021 from
************ Welcome to NethServer ************
This is a NethServer installation.
Before editing configuration files, be aware
of the automatic events and templates system.
[root@main ~]# echo ‘{“action”:“configuration”,“status”:“enabled”,“ActiveSync”:“disabled”,“Dav”:“enabled”,“AdminUsers”:“admin”,“VirtualHost”:"",“WOWorkersCount”:“10”,“SOGoInternalSyncInterval”:“30”,“Notifications”:“Appointment,EMail,ACLs”,“MailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled”:“YES”}’ | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/nethserver-sogo/update | jq
“steps”: 9,
“pid”: 26046,
“args”: “”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”
“step”: 1,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S00initialize-default-databases”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.11”,
“time”: “2.409902”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 1,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S00initialize-default-databases”
“step”: 2,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S05generic_template_expand”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.22”,
“time”: “0.392989”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 2,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S05generic_template_expand”
“step”: 3,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S10nethserver-sogo-mysqlsetup”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.33”,
“time”: “0.032322”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 3,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S10nethserver-sogo-mysqlsetup”
“step”: 4,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S20nethserver-sogo-gnustepsetup”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.44”,
“time”: “0.004498”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 4,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S20nethserver-sogo-gnustepsetup”
“step”: 5,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S30nethserver-sogo-MigrationV3.2.10ToV4.0.0”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.56”,
“time”: “0.507224”,
“exit”: 256,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 5,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S30nethserver-sogo-MigrationV3.2.10ToV4.0.0”
“step”: 6,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S40nethserver-sogo-create-selfHost”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.67”,
“time”: “3.840247”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 6,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S40nethserver-sogo-create-selfHost”
“step”: 7,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S50nethserver-sogo-disable-webtop-activesync”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.78”,
“time”: “0.084511”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 7,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S50nethserver-sogo-disable-webtop-activesync”
“step”: 8,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S60nethserver-sogo-remove-slice-messages”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.89”,
“time”: “0.004134”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 8,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S60nethserver-sogo-remove-slice-messages”
“step”: 9,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S90adjust-services”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “1.00”,
“time”: “1.840729”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 9,
“pid”: 26046,
“action”: “S90adjust-services”
“pid”: 26046,
“status”: “failed”,
“event”: “nethserver-sogo-update”
“type”: “EventError”,
“id”: 1613156485,
“message”: “update_action_failed”
[root@main ~]#
I am installing this on a spare HP Microserver N54L with 2 X Dual-Core Processors, 6Gbyte memory and a single 2 Tbyte HD. The SME server is a later G8 Microserver (8G/4Tbyte) which I will move the system to once I have working system. I don’t want trash the working SME system until I have a reliable option.
Any help most welcome (even to point out if I’m being an idiot.)
Tony (Paperguides)