there is a new problem with sogo. I searched in and nethserver community, but no proper solution found.
Short description:
The user06 usually works outside the home on construction sites. That’s why he syncs his iPhone7 with the nethserver7 / sogo4.
That works synonymous, BUT if he answers an email via iPhone, that goes awry, because the sender is automatically changed to user06@firma.lan
In the sogo webfrontend you can select the sender address:
On the iPhone it is unfortunately not possible to select this when replying to an email.
this way is the right way - tested it with user06 > and now he can send answer to an incoming email via iPhone.
,"You have to modify the file /etc/postfix/canonical by adding at the end of the file this line: user@yourdomain.ext user@ispdomain.ext
Replace user and yourdomain/ispdomain with real values. Then launch command postmap /etc/postfix/canonical and check that it doesn’t return errors. If yes restart postfix with systemctl restart postfix
But next question : is it nessesary to write for each user00 … user99 a line into /etc/postfix/canonical … not very “admin friendly” ?
On nethserver6/sogo2.3.10 we had nearly the same config and NO problems with iPhones+Blackberries+Android-phones ! But thanks, now we see light at the end of tunnel ,
think you’re right.
While installing the neth7 we called it mail.firma.lan as LDAP. Then we imported all mails from user00 … user20 via imapsync from old neth6.server
Then we created domain alias and email aliases >> userxy.firma.lan for all users and pop3connector for each user, because we used a smarthost outsite.
We tested this before under proxmox KVM-server. In Sogo web interface all were ok:
getting and
answering to email
But we tested not the mobile devices, because under neth6 there was no problem.
Under admin page of neth7 we go to Management > Email addresses :
There we see: User mailbox address | Custom mail quota | Custom spam retention | Forward addresses | Local network only … user01@firma.lan 10 GB - - No
and so on
The real email address is only shown under [mail aliases] not under Forward address like it looks under neth6
But where is the config error ?