April 22, 2020, 9:39pm
In your case the fake version would be any 17 version (if you try, after the upgrade check if the version has changed to the correct/latest installed one). That procedure could be OK but we don’t know for sure. At some point we might have to ask at Nexcloud if it is enough to upgrade going over every core migration scripts. If that were the case, then maybe it could be of help for scripting upgrades on NethServer’s Nextcloud between multiple major versions.
Another method that worked for some users is the one described by @pagaille :
Didn’t work.
I think it is because older nextcloud packages were obsoleted by nethserver-nextcloud-1.9.0-1.ns7.
I had to remove nethserver-nextcloud and nextcloud packages, then
yum --setopt=obsoletes=0 install nextcloud-17.0.2-1.el7
yum --setopt=obsoletes=0 install nethserver-nextcloud-1.8.4-1.ns7
then update.
Phew. @davidep I really believe that the case should be handled. At minima warning the user that something is going to go wrong.
EDIT: Here’s the Nextcloud issue regarding updates between multiple major versions, still work in progress:
opened 09:53AM - 23 Nov 16 UTC
1. to develop
feature: install and update
I had some rough ideas about what we need to do until this is ready to go. Here … is a first braindump. Feel free to comment on this. I can update this first entry here to have the current consensus covered.
### Stuff we need to take care about
* run repair steps only once
* define the version a repair step has to be run on (to also provide an order and skip old ones)
* provide a way to describe database table transitions (doctrine migrations?) including the version they were added
### How to do the update then
**Skipping old steps:** We don't need to run steps with a version number equal or lower than the (previously) installed version that is listed in the database.
**When to run live repair steps:** But we need to question if the repair step v15 already has finished, right? Or (what I really prefer) we simply don't rely on the live migration and simply add them as usual as background job and make this very clear, that the live repair step could happen during a future version which then needs to take care to cleanup repair steps that doesn't apply or work anymore (maybe because of a changed database structure - *idea* removing the repair step code should be fine - then the code shouldn't be executed at all and be removed from the background jobs just fine)
**Apps with dependencies to the server:** When and in which order should updates of apps happen that has a dependency to the server - filesystem or user backend apps.
### Specific scenario
* app1 v4
* db migration v2
* live repair step v2
* db migration v3
* repair step v3
* live repair step v3
* ldap_app v20
* db migration v16
* live repair step v16
* db migration v17
* repair step v17
* live repair step v18
* server v20
* db migration v15
* live repair step v15
* db migration v17
* live repair step v17
* db migration v19
* repair step v19
* db migration v20
previous installed versions: **app1 v1**, **ldap_app v16** and **server v16**
- no need to run the v15 steps of the server and the v16 steps of ldap_app
#### Run them
* server first and then the apps (currently apps are in no specific order) - here db migrations of a version are sorted before a repair step for that version
* ~~server db migration v15~~
* ~~server live repair step v15~~
* server db migration v17
* server db migration v19
* server repair step v19
* server db migration v20
* ~~ldap_app db migration v16~~
* ~~ldap_app live repair step v16~~
* ldap_app db migration v17
* ldap_app repair step v17
* app1 db migration v2
* app1 db migration v3
* app1 repair step v3
* live steps are added at the very end (is currently also the case)
* server live repair step v17
* ldap_app live repair step v18
* app1 live repair step v2
* app1 live repair step v3
@LukasReschke @rullzer @karlitschek @schiessle @icewind1991 @nickvergessen @blizzz Comments are welcome - this is only my first quick draft and we need to specify a bit more to not run into issues here.
See oc/core#14851 and oc/activity#546