Current Nethserver with all updates installed.
I’m just trying to see if this is even possible, I have scoured the forum and SoGo lists and can’t seem to get an answer.
I am using jEvents on Joomla to publish the training schedule for my fire department. I am able to export the calendar and using the SoGo calendar on Nethserver I can add the ical and can view the current schedule when logged into SoGo, updates appear like they should. I would like all my fire department members see courses and schedule using the calendar on their phones (outlook application) without requiring login to the website.
My questions:
- Is it possible to re-share a Web Calendar in SoGo for all users to see? or…
- Is it possible to merge a Web Calendar to a specific users SoGo calendar that any member can subscribe too??
off topic question… are there plans to integrate SoGo 4 into Nethserver?