I just installed nethserver-docker and portainer and noticed that if I edit the firewall rules from cockpit and apply them, all the containers in aqua (I’m currently using only aqua) become unable to talk to each other until I run signal-event nethserver-docker-update . Have I missed something?
I’m even unable to expose a port of a container in aqua: if I create a Port forward it seems not to be working and if I create it via Docker I am unable to manage firewall rules on that port.
For docker the Neth firewall UI does not work. You need to set it on command line, see Documentation.
A docker port redirect in combination with a Neth port forward or reverse proxy should work.
sorry if I’m always late in answering this topic.
Now I:
created a new network service and linked it to the ports i need:
config set zabbix-server service status enabled TCPPort 10051 UDPPort 10051 access green
/etc/e-smith/db/configuration/defaults# mkdir zabbix-server && cd zabbix-server
echo service > type
echo enabled > status
added the port export from portainer
but now the port is publicly accessible even though I added a local rule Deny from to service zabbix-server.
It seems too that I can still reproduce the bug mentioned before: if I have a firewall adjust, containers can’t talk to each other until I have a nethserver-docker-update too.
Yes, I’m using zabbix/zabbix-server-pgsql:ubuntu-5.2-latest and zabbix/zabbix-web-apache-pgsql:ubuntu-latest. When reconfiguring the firewall, Zabbix Web says the server is down even though the container is running. In fact, pinging from web to server won’t produce any effect.
About the port forwarding: should, IMHO, be reproducible with every service running in docker.
Thank you for your effort,
I could reproduce the issue and I think it’s a bug.
One needs to run signal-event nethserver-docker-update after signal-event firewall-adjust to add docker specific rules to let the containers talk to each other:
I think the firewall-adjust event should run the nethserver-docker-interface-update-restart-docker action like it is done in the interface-update event. @stephdl, what do you think?
and reconfigure the firewall and now the web container should still be able to reach the server container.
If something went wrong just remove /etc/e-smith/events/firewall-adjust/S99nethserver-docker-interface-update-restart-docker.
Yes, you’re right. It does not work to port forward to a container with aqua but you may use the docker port redirect/publish instead. Or you use macvlan or aeria networking instead of aqua.
It seems the docker published port overrules the service. I need to check…
we could add it @mrmarkuz, but in fact this is done by the shorewall restart .
My concerns
The event firewall-adjust does not use systemctl to restart shorewall but the built in command shorewall restart : /etc/e-smith/events/nethserver-firewall-base-save/S89nethserver-shorewall-restart
Someone could restart manually shorewall and we will have the same issue. Either by systemctl or by shorewall binary itself