Pop3 connector feature

I know the difference between POP3 and IMAP(S). First pulls, second usually syncs.
Still IMAP(S) can be used AS POP3. In other words use IMAP(S) protocol for the transfer and then ask remote server to delete (which I suspect is happening by “syncing” to an empty fake mailbox AFTER transfer? Not sure if it is done via some other method.).

Right now, without me doing anything except setting up a few IMAPS connectors, I get mail from my public server, mail gets removed from public server and stays in my NS7 mail server.
I still want that.
I don’t want to edit custom templates or whatever. Can it be done in NS8 too?
If it will not happen, then I (not so) simply have to look for other solutions to implement this.
Mail (and webtop) is is the main functionality of my own NS7 server. If I don’t get the same, there is really no point.
For most other functions I already have containers or VMs in my host (UNRAID).

For now only imapsync is/will be available. The interest for imapsync is that we do not filter the email via an antispam because we talk directly to dovecot.

Available options

Sync remote inbox folder and possibly remove from remote after sync
Sync full remote folders and possibly remove from remote after sync
Do a full remote clone on local

You can create as many sync tasks you need on a local account, no more limited to one like in NS7

You can create a cron task

Not sure about getmail in NS8

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Question “back to basics”:
So how does the migration tool handle those IMAPS connectors I have in NS7?

The migration tool still does not handle them. We didn’t evaluate it yet.

Edit: @stephdl is working on a migration procedure from NS7 Getmail/Imapsync to NS8 Imapsync

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Is the migration in RC1?

It is not released yet. Stay tuned with this issue Migrate Getmail configuration to NS8 · Issue #6776 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

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To get the Smarthost and POP3/IMAP-Connector functionality under NS8 is really important…

Did you try it?

No, is this a NS8-Module, how can I get it?

Yes it’s an official module in beta release. You’ve to enable the testing flags of the default repository to see it.

@stephdl is it time for a stable release?


I think yes. We could release

ns8-imapsync released in in stable


Thank you, guys. You did a great job, I love it!


I tried it, and it works great. But i read about final Nethserber 8 that there is a Smarthost, where to find the Module?

Basic smarthost for Apps: on Cluster Settings -> Email notifications