I’m new in Nethserver and install a domain for my organization. Create account and import external mail…all it’s ok.
but the emails are not synchronized continuously. If I create a connector they update every 5 minutes (minimum time) but if I do a sync with imapsync I can only synchronize by hand.
It’s normale? There is a metod to sync automaticly more frequently external mail?
I have other question: it’s possible to have more access to one account mail? (example: 1 account (mario@rossi.it) with multiple sync access (stefano@rossi.it, manuela@rossi.it)
At first time I thought it was possible to reason with groups but I understand it is not so.
thanks very much and sorry if it’s bad post!!!
Hi @serpico, welcome to the forums.
The imapsync is meant as a migration tool for email accounts from one provider to the next and not as a live tool used consonantly to update synced accounts.
Nethserver has a module within the email section called Connectors that will enable you to retrieve email from external sources like I suspect you are after.
This last section I think might be up to how you want to handle your setup. If mario@ is an active account someone uses to send & receive emails you could consider making a shared mailbox/folder, creating auto-forwarding rules for stefano@ & manuela@ or having multiple accounts mapped to your email endpoint in Thunderbird/Outlook/SOGo/Webtop …
I suggest you to increase time between sync. For big enough mailboxes, 5 minutes is pure overhead of communication and crosscheck between servers about the status of every folder.
Also: email never was meant as a real-time communication. Are you used with snappy reaction from your mailbox and email server? Lucky you. But processing messages for avoiding scammers, unwanted or malicious messages and rule application, it will take time. For sync, for process.
Therefore: try with 20 minutes as timeframe for imapsync. But as stated by @royceb, getmail is far more useful as migration tool than sync.
If you’re looking for real time communications, switch to a instant messenger.
no tested but if in your terminal the command starts without issue
systemctl restart imapsync@username
then you can imagine a cronjob
Good! Thanks for your support and replace. Now have more information on nethserver service. Your idea of outlook or other it’s the same that I think…but I will try also shared folder; thanks!
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Yes solved, thanks
Here is a howto about marking a topic as solved:
sorry, i create a shared mailbox (telegrafo@rossi.it) and when send email to this account i see mail in associated account. All ok. But, how connect this shared mailbox with my external mail? it’s possible? I will that in this shared folder I can see (with other account) internal mail and external mail.
Thanks so much for help
Hi, I have switch from BlueDomino to Office 365 successfully. But now I do not know how to create a shared mailbox in Microsoft 365.
Hi @Rohit ,
welcome to Nethserver Community.
Do you use NethServer? If yes, please explain some details like version and what you want to achieve…
To create shared mailboxes in O365: