Piler Administration

NethServer Version: 7.9
Module: Piler

Hi, Installing and importing mails is very easy. Now I make my frist steps within and want to administrate piler.

Mi first question: If I want to activate a retention rule, I got a hint:

I believe that’s not the right one for Nethserver/Centos7

  • whats the right group? apache?
  • is it the right path for /etc/init.d/rc.pilier? Ther is no one…

If I save visudo I got:

Warning: /etc/sudoers.d/55_nsapi_perms:25 Cmnd_Alias “NSAPI_NETHSERVER_PILER” referenced but not defined
Warning: /etc/sudoers.d/55_nsapi_perms:26 Cmnd_Alias “NSAPI_NETHSERVER_PILER” referenced but not defined

best regrads, Marko

Could you point me the full documentation, since piler runs inside a pull of containers I am quite sure what you read is not relevant

I could reproduce. After executing visudo, saving and exiting I got the same errors.

A file like /etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi_nethserver_piler is missing, it should include the defintions:

# nsapi_nethserver_piler

Defaults!NSAPI_NETHSERVER_PILER !requiretty

@stephdl I found the same issue in nethserver-sympa.


@mrmarkuz simple as: sudo touch /etc/sudoers.d/50_nsapi_nethserver_piler

No, you need the content too, simply creating the file is not enough.

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thank you. I added the file and modified the sudoers file. But the info box comes again:

The info box is a separate issue. I guess it’s not necessary to add something manually except the retention rule is not working. Piler is running in docker environment so local file changes won’t have an effect.


Thank I need to fix it

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fixed for piler and sympa

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Now I try to eliminate unwanted mails, like spam.

To do this, I have configured a retention policy with spam=yes and “Days to retain” = 1 day.

But the spam mail still exists. What have I misunderstood?

Note: When I try to save the rule via “Apply changes”, the above error message repeats itself.

Check module:piler [NethServer Wiki]

It seems you tried to set it by the user interface of piler. Do I am right ?

The error in the sudoers is relative to the container and not from nethserver itself


Check module:piler [NethServer Wiki]

This is what I did, without any knowledge in this regard

The error in the sudoers is relative to the container and not from nethserver itself

and what practical consequence does this have?

could you make some screenshots please on what you did to get the errors, I think we need to check if they are not an update of the containers and if no then do a bug report to @jutso

  1. Create a rentention rule:
  2. Apply this rule
  3. Error:
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I saw there is an Update. We install 1.3.10 and 1.3.11 is available

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