NethServer Version: 8
Module: pi-hole
is there somewhere a howto for pi-hole on ns8? Or did someone got it run?
There’s already an app by @stephdl :
Good Afternoon Markus, yes, i saw it and installed it, but like with the dnsmasc sytem i guess it dont work out of the box. I got a message
Aktuell ist bereits ein DNS-Server gestartet
Das DNS-Feature kann nicht aktiviert werden, da auf diesem Knoten bereits ein DNS-Server aktiv ist. Eine andere Anwendungen (z.B. Samba DC) könnte den DNS-Port verwenden.
Another Question for me is, where at a DHCP System on the NS8 i can handle the Informations to tell the client different DNS Server?
I think we need translation
language wise? from french to english?
I attended a talk with weblate at fosdem…maybe i need to kick my ass and translate my module
ahh okay… guess i got it ^^. Happy if you find the time, if u think i could help somehow, i am here