PHPVirtualBox No Remote Console after Update

NethServer Version: 7.6.1810 (final)
Module: VirtualBox & PhpVirtualBox
Hi all

There was a software update for VirtualBox 5.2 5.2.24_128163_el7-1. I installed update and how I have no remote console in phpvirtualbox it shows port 19000-19100 with a red line through it.

yep since it is a beta, I did not make a migrate fragment

change the port

config setprop phpvirtualbox TCPPortsRDP 19000-19100
signal-event phpvirtualbox-save

I tried that but no go … I am thinking that it may have to do with the EXTPACK ??
Since virtualbox is updated. How do I update the EXTPACK?

Ok thats what it was … The EXTPACK all looks good …

I’ll have to remember to do that…

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to update the extension pack, do

signal-event virtualbox-update
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