Package-update events

The developer manual explains that any nethserver-xxx package should contain an event named nethserver-xxx-update that will be run when the packages is installed/updated:

I just noticed that we have some events that follow the -update naming rule, but, I think, are not meant to be run after packages install (list not complete):
[root@nethsecurity7 ~]# find /etc/e-smith/events/ -maxdepth 1 -name “*-update” | xargs rpm -qf --queryformat “%{NAME}\n” | grep "is not owned by any package"
file /etc/e-smith/events/certificate-update is not owned by any package
file /etc/e-smith/events/fstab-update is not owned by any package
file /etc/e-smith/events/interface-update is not owned by any package
file /etc/e-smith/events/nethserver-ibays-update is not owned by any package
file /etc/e-smith/events/wan-uplink-update is not owned by any package
file /etc/e-smith/events/nethserver-samba-update is not owned by any package

I’m not inclined to change things now, but if we’d like to change it, beta stage is the last opportunity.
Or wait NethServer 8?

So nethserver-samba and nethserver-ibays packages seem to lack the right directive in their .spec %files section… Maybe it’s not a real problem, anyway I think we should fix it!

Who does remember how to do it?

I don’t have those packages installed.

Probably the directory was created by RPM when its contents had been installed. Good news: we do not need to fix anything :smile:

But we have fstab-update, not related to a nethserver-fstab package (and interface-update, certificate-update,…).

The -update suffix is not reserved. There exist some events with -update suffix on their name but they are not executed by our YUM plugin.

The YUM plugin searches for <package-name>-update events. If an RPM owns that event directory YUM fires that event.

I’d like to clean the situation and change the event names, but it’s only a cosmetic thing.
We could plan it for NS 8, but it’s only a cosmetic fix.