Owncloud admin account username?

Having just installed Owncloud on NethServer 6.6, it is working beautifully… except, I’m unable to figure out the Owncloud admin username (I want to configure external storage). I’ve logged into Owncloud as the builtin admin account but it doesn’t get an “admin” option in the dropdown, so I assume it’s not the “Owncloud Admin”.

I have found the file “/var/lib/nethserver/secrets/owncloud”. So I tried to login with username “owncloud” & the password contained in that file but no joy either.

I can’t recall any notification of owncloud admin credentials when I installed it in the Software Centre, so I’m a little stuck. Quite prepared to admit that I’ve missed something glaringly simple. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Note to self. RTFM Carefully !

Quote from the documentation:- > use admin/Nethesis,1234 as default credentials

What tripped me up was that you seem to be able to login to Owncloud with the username “admin” with EITHER the builtin NethServer admin account password (and be logged on as a non Owncloud admin) OR the credentials quoted above (and BE logged on as Owncloud admin).

Slightly confusing situation but hopefully this saves someone else making my rookie mistake.

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The installation can be done through the NethServer web interface. After the installation:

open the url https://your_nethserver_ip/owncloud
use admin/Nethesis,1234 as default credentials
change the default password
LDAP access authentication is enabled by default, so each user can login with its system credentials. After the installation a new application widget is added to the NethServer web interface dashboard.

Hah, lol! Too funny.

Just as an addendum to this issue, I went to checkout the actual Owncloud folder in the filesystem (/var/www/html/owncloud/data). There I found 2 folders with the following names:-



The “admin” folder belongs to the “Owncloud Admin” user. The “admin_9196” folder belongs to the builtin NethServer admin account. BUT … if those accounts have the same password, you will always get logged onto Owncloud as the Owncloud Admin & no longer be able to logon to Owncloud as the builtin NethServer “admin” user.

Not that this is a real issue for me, but not sure either that this is a configuration possibility that should be allowed to exist.

I install NethServer over CentOS from scratch
and at the end, finish with the same question,
Actually your Not to yourself works for my case too.
Thanks for sharing :wink:

I’m thinking a loud but
the second admin aka admin_9196 in that case look more a root reflection
and the owncloud admin is the ldap’ish / AD account
I’m my case they did’nt have the same password

As you could see into your Owncloud → Settings → Users
Owncloud make a copy of LDAP and sync/pull/push.

I’ll not recommand you to remove any account
If you want to try something you could make a link between those directory but :wink:
I’ll not recommand that too …

Reading the docs, it seems that one of the admin accounts could be removed:

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Yes, I have to agreee with you, seeing two admin it’s a bit odd. But into the past versions we couldn’t remove or add users automatically during the installation process. With new public API it’s straightforward, so please keep waiting till new version 8.1
/cc @alep

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I suggest that someone puts in a note into the documentation were you clearly explain that there will be 2 admin accounts available? I followed the documentation myself and tripped on the same problem as @tose did but it took me a while to literately understand that it was possible to have 2 admin accounts with 2 different passwords in owncloud.

I think a line that states if you login with your Nethis admin account and password you will not see the admin settings because it’s LDAP user and that user is just an ordinary user in owncloud. You need to use owncloud local admin user and password first time and follow the instruction to remove one of the admin accounts. Another possibility would be not to use admin(Nethesis,1234 as owncloud admin password because this confuses you to think that this is an Nethesis user account?

But when you get around this owncloud works as a charm and the isntallation was very easy and simple :smile:

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are you able to do so remotely? i would like to be able to administer the server from home at times but it seems unable to log in to or even get to the admin page for owncloud via port forwarding. any help appriciated

@motwa you need to setup firewall first , then to setup owncloud !

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@motwa after all installed software :

open  in browser https://your_nethserver_ip/owncloud
login: admin password: Nethesis,1234

DUH! thanks