Organizing the QA team Hangout

Hi to all @quality_team members,
can we set up a new qa-team community hangout for the next weeks?
of course everyone is invited to join us (and i hope someone of @dev_team and @alefattorini will be present to help us :sweat_smile:)

Which day / time do you prefer? it’s ok for the next week?
Just let me know your preferences so I can (try :slight_smile: ) to set up a new doodle

Any suggestions for the agenda?

  • How to improve our QA process?
  • organize “the great test”: Testing nethserver-cockpit together
  • status of altarch (arm) testing @mark_nl

Great idea! @alefattorini would you mind creating a doodle?


We can start from YOUR time so I can set up the doodle accordingly
I’m available 9-18 every day for now

Great :bulb: BTW

on holidays all the next week, I do not know if I could attend it

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yes you are right :grin:
for me it would be better between 14-18, just know it with a few days in advance
if it’s better in the morning (8-14) i need to plan more carefully (say one week) but is doable if this can bring more taking part

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