openvpn finally i got it working with access to my internal network, but with some tweak on gui of course
wonderful, it miss only understand site to site one and try to put it at same time
openvpn finally i got it working with access to my internal network, but with some tweak on gui of course
wonderful, it miss only understand site to site one and try to put it at same time
I love to read such personal successes! Keep it up and enjoy!
@Vitor_Hugo_Barbosa Vitor_Hugo_Barbosa, algun tutorial de sugerencia? me rebota la comunicacion entre el cliente y el server por error comunicacion puertos para el openvnc?
@Vitor_Hugo_Barbosa Vitor_Hugo_Barbosa, any suggestion tutorial? I bounce the communication between the client and the server by error communication ports for the openvnc?
i will send you my configs and a good tutorial is seems easyer that it seems, consider your FAI router 1194 UDP, nethserver firewall port fowarding 1194 udp/TCP (I forgot to put only udp BUT IT WORKS FINE WITH THE UDP/TCP PROTOCOL), local rules from openvpn service to the lan green access, and openvpn to red network also too.
an dyndns into your public FAI ROUTER…because normally your public ip address switches …
then the openvpn clients ipaddress…
1 chose routed mode to foward all the client connections
i putt the to clients get internet access, if you dont do that, you have only the vpn
and the clients will notice, that they dont have internet since they had connected into your vpn
3 user openvpn you need to create them with the ip that you would like that openvpn takes
exemple :…
4 go on the nethserver ip:9090 for the rest of the settings firewall settings
foward port 1194 on port fowarding
5 continuation firewall settings (WATCH THE FIRST RULE VPN(IS THE SERVICE ALLOWANCE))
6 continuation firewall
7 cont check traffic
8 the rest download the users openvpn profiles ( image 3 - go to the right )
9… the rest you have on net (install openvpn(windows, macosx, linux) how to import opnvpn profile into the respective OS
agradezco tus aportes. mi situacion es de aprendiz en linux. estoy acostumbrado a trabajar en windows. en un principio el nethserver solo tiene una configuracion WAN. apliacion instalada firewall(basica) y VPN. tengo usuarios y grupo configurado. certificado generado. . busque tutoriales de paso a paso para la configuracion de la VPN. llegue a instalar OPENVPN en el cliente y aun no establezco comunicacion… tenmes algun tutorial mas completo… un detalle solo tengo una placa de redque esta configurada como acceso WAN. Me aconsejas agregarle una placa de red mas?
Sim necessitas al menos 2 placas de red una para WAN que ya tiennes et la segunda para lan en tu lan habera uno DHCP de nethserver…
Roja = WAN, verde=LAN tu red interna que quieres proteger… Déspués lo resto siegue con la explicacion que te hay escribido.
Hola MI espagnol nos ès muy Bueno, pero te digo que necessitas duas Cartas de red WAN et lan, lo forwarding tambien de la puerta 1194 UDP en tu roteador de servico internet, apuntando para El ip fixo WAN de nethserver. Tienes que tener lo ip fixo de nethserver en tu dchp do roteador, eso répresenta la WAN de tu nethserver, después te vas a nethserver et puedes poner en la interface de red WAN ip fixo, tiennes que ter un nombre dyndns para l’ip publico de tu casa…
Te voy hacer un esquema sel red
Abraço hermano