On going Notifications w/o discription / then complete, but then new ones start (Loop?)

NethServer Version: NS8
Module: Notifications

I had to make a change to my network recently. In doing so I had to move my NS8 to a new ip. I had to switch the AD/Samba ip via terminal. All seems ok except - I am not longer able to send email from mail server / Webtop. Note I can recieve emails just fine.

When I made the move I did notice that the notifications (4 to 5 at the same time are on going). They offer no description on what it is just a circle with and i (can not click on circle with i to give info). Of course just after notification completes then another one starts. It leaves a Completed notification - which also has no description to tell you what completed.

At the top it has a continuous circle animated circling. Not sure what to do on this as there is no description to what is happening. I would be incline to think it has something to do with mail server / Webmail as I am not able to send out. But that is just a guess of course.

Here is a picture. Hope it helps -

Let me know if anyone has seen this or has fixed this issue for themselves. I am still looking for a fix at the moment.

Oh yeah, by the way. I hope everyone is having a great day today.


IIRC I’ve seen this and reported it on the forum, but don’t remember what was the cause or if it relates to your case in any way.

EDIT: Ns8-sogo: "administrator list" field filtering/validation
On the other case was because of a malformed config file causing some app or app services to auto-restart to infinitum (but not exactly the same).

Check if something pops-out on cluster log.
Monitor top or similar utilities for activity.
use lsof to see what files are being used… as a way to pinpoint where to look at.

just some ideas

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Thanks @dnutan for the quick reply and thanks for the link so I can look at the feedback.

Note - I didn’t put in the AD/Samba ip change via terminal till after I saw the on going notifications and completed notifies… So I don’t think it was that…

I am going to check the logs and such…

Much appreciated. I will check it out. :mag_right: and see if it relates in some way to what I am seeing.

you won’t find anything useful on the other topic

That is debatable… I found you and @stephdl comments entertaining… especially the -

hehehehe! that alone was worth the read!

Nice! :nerd_face:

you got me :wink: (like admins with delegated access or rogue/disgruntled admins about to leave the job… leaving everyone down on their knees,)

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Good stuff in stressful times :laughing: I will take a laugh over stress any day! Even when there is truth to it.

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Okay oddly enough the Notification has ended it reign of terror of continuously sending me notify over notify then completed.

I am not sure what fixed it. But it is no longer happening.
