[OffTopic] Gpon Calix T077G modem DMZ

NethServer Version: 7 final
Module: no module

I´m trying to configure here DMZ for this modem, to make my nethserver finally operative… but no luck :frowning:
Normally, is just set ‘enable dmz’ and set the firewall red nic there… but nothing works… any ideas?

I see in documentation that are 4 NICs.
Where are you assign NIC for DMZ?



Somewhere you must assign a NIC for DMZ or create a rule which will include one of the four NICS.


Maybe you must create/add VLANs …


T077G supports VLANs (http://www.ksvv.fi/filebank/4205-Peruspaatelaite_T076G.pdf).
I think you must create a VLAN and designate it as DMZ (some routers must be set in this mode to create DMZ).
I have tried to read more documentation regarding this router but the section is password protected in calix.com site or in https://community.calix.com/t5/help/faqpage

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Need to see that! Will check on that.

Did that, on NIC 1 and it worked… wierd stuff anyway! :stuck_out_tongue: Horrible modem to work on :stuck_out_tongue:

@pike This router/modem has that DMZ limitation.