The host alias behavior didn’t change since the initial release of the Web server app: New Apache integration in cockpit (Web server)
[We could move this discussion there…]
I recall many past discussions since the times of nethgui about dns records and virtual hosts.
The cockpit app now tries to do as little as possible of dns alias records. Maybe it should stop even creating them because it seem there’s no possibility of implementing a consistent behavior.
Other random considerations
- we don’t add aliases also in Kerberos keytab and in X509 certs
- if the DNS server is another host there’s no (easy) way to add dns records to it
As alternative to all the above we can change approach and start from the list of host name aliases. Vhost, keytab, x509 cert: they all become locked with that list.
In other words imagine in vhosts panel (and proxypass) we remove the input box for the vhost name completely replacing it with a multiple selector. Can you figure it out? Only host aliases are already listed as available vhost names.