Ntopng and netflow

Its great having NTOPNG in Nethserver, but you also need nprobe to support netflow these days with NTOP (it used to be built in). This would require adding a custom repo etc, but I’m not sure how that would affect the NTOPNG version already installed.

Could nprobe be added?


Since nrprobe is not free, it’s not included.

But you can try it: http://packages.ntop.org/

But then again NtopNg is no longer free unless you install Nethserver 6.5

What do you mean?
You can install ntopng on any distro…

Hi Giacomo,

Ntopng is restricted to 10 minutes usauge unless you purchase a license key. My apologees, when you upgrade to the latest version…. Version 2

any related link? thank you

BTW, nice signature…

No, ntopng continues to work after the 10 minutes full-featured showcase, but it presents information in a different (and restricted) way.