NS8RC1 | Martin: My Experiences and Findings - breaking things as a user and suggestions for improvements

After TEsting NS8 here: NS8beta2 | MArtin: my experiences and suggestions for imporvements - Feature - NethServer Community

Upgrading to the laest Release candidate and reporting my findings, i Have decided to take yet another Jab at testing, this time around begining with a new instance that is Release candidate 1.

My intentions are to test the server in different cloud enviornment, and report my findings, as well as do things in an unconventionl manner to see if something breaks, and report so that developers can resolve the issues arising before the Final Release VErsion.

Cloud Environment1: ARUBA CLOUD:

Openstack VM

2 Vcpu, 4 GB RAM 80 GB HDD



Alma Linux 9 standard installation ssh
Installation — NS8 documentation (nethserver.org)

INStallation went on sucessfully,

I had not pointed the domain to the new IP address so ssl cert failed during initial install.

I fumbled to figure out how to set ssl for the hostname, and finally found it in settings> TLS certs Request SSL.

(I think the devs would have implemented a component to check if hostname has ssl, and implement a function to request that easily from the main dashboard.)

Enabled TEsting in settings, and installed nethvoice proxy.
proceeded to install NEthvoice, Took way too long at 67% but finally completed the installation.


there are 2 hostnames to be configured:

accessing nethcti, i am unable to login with any credentials, i am not sure if its by design, there is something not configured or something else.

Accessing NEthvoice based host, adding /freepbx

I am presented with login interface, which i can login with admin and pwd NEthesis, 1234

user control page, has nothing, and i assume its whats supposed to bring /nethvoice
there i am presented also with NEthvoice link, which is visible under /nethvoice.

tbh, i have no idea what each of the seprate links does, i will jus tkeep on exploring.

under sip providers,

i dont see a means to add a custom provider, not really sure how all these work as well, i am just exploring.

Default settings,

Only these tone zones listed

what is supposed to be the login credentials for https://cti.example.com

Interface Bug: @dev_team

Under Nethvoice Interface, clicking on Advanced in settings


Takes me to the URL NV.link/:20014/freepbx/admin/ which is a wrong URL

removing the Port Number defined 20014 redirects to the correct interface.

i think you need to remove that port on the config, to make it re-direct to the correct URL

I can confirm this issue.

Thank you for testing it, @Amygos and @Stll0 will take note of that.

Please consider that the NethVoice module is still in early Alpha stage, I do not think that it’s really ready for testing outside the dev team :smiley:

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we know this, just hope the finddings help dev spot issues ealier, plus its sometime fine to test pre-release modules.

I am curious though and interested to see the actual Module published on github, seeing that it has a gazilion containers and services running inside it, would be interesting to see how th module was put together and how each of the components talk to each other in having the container come together, Would help me for a future module i would be attempting once i have better understaning of inner workings of NS8 modules.

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Here you are: GitHub - nethesis/ns8-nethvoice: NethVoice: an Asterisk based PBX

In the same repository you can also find the board of the project.

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seen something interesting in the Moudee:

this below answers alot of questions


this structure has me asking alot of questions about modules and module dev.


one main question is,
does the modle reference its own docker files within it? not external, but ones inside the module

the rest, i am yet to know how to ask them.